Featured Alumni: Graduate Program Testimonials
Yesenia Brambila

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track
Graduation: May 2020
Post-Graduation Plans: Ph.D. Student in Classics at UC Berkeley
Testimonial: My time in the program has been more enriching than I could ever imagine. Not only have I grown as a scholar and an instructor, but I have also made lasting connections for which I am grateful.
Lawrence Chamunorwa

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track
Graduation: May 2020
Post-Graduation Plans: Ph.D. Student in Comparative Literature at Princeton University
Testimonial: I thank God for my time here at TTU! My special thanks also go to my mentor Dr. Lavigne, the Classics faculty, and all who were supportive. As an underrepresented student from Zimbabwe, I found the MA Classics program enriching especially in terms of my study of ancient Greek and Latin languages. I have also been able to bolster my research focus on the interface of ancient Greco-Roman and sub-Saharan African literatures.
Alex Claman

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Archaeology Track, & M.S. in Geosciences
Graduation: May 2021
Post-Graduation Plans: PhD in Classical Archaeology at UNC Chapel Hill
Testimonial: I have grown immensely as both a student and a scholar through coursework, conversations, and collaboration with my professors and fellow graduate students in the department. This program has given me opportunities to form lasting friendships, meet both established and early-career scholars, and present original research at regional and national conferences.
Edgar Garcia

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track
Graduation: May 2015
Post-Graduation Plans: PhD Student in Classics at the University of Washington
Testimonial: The MA program in Classics not only helped me greatly improve my language skills in both Latin and Greek, it also had a great influence on my scholarly interests. I was exposed to many authors I had never read before and ways of thinking about literature and material culture that still have an impact on the work I've produced at the PhD level.
Jared Gaum

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track
Graduation: May 2019
Post-Graduation Plans: Teaching Middle School and High School Latin at Mount de Sales Academy, Macon, Georgia
Testimonial: My two years here have been the most difficult, yet most rewarding, years of my life both academically and professionally. Through hard work, determination, and a fantastic support structure made up of my family, friends, and the faculty, I was able to vastly improve my skills in the classical languages, as well as teaching, and research. Because of this program, I feel I am now qualified to instruct young minds and inspire them to further their education in the Classical World. This program has opened up opportunities I never would have had without it, and because of my time at TTU, I am prepared, ready, and eager to begin my life as an instructor. I am so thankful for my time here and I will look back on it fondly.
Maurice Gonzales

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track
Graduation: May 2020
Post-Graduation Plans: PhD student in Classics, Washington University in St. Louis
Testimonial: The program here has helped me significantly. Although my languages were good coming into the program, I was incredibly anxious about my research capabilities and in turn publicly communicating those ideas. In my time here, however, not only did I experience my first national conferences, but I also taught my own Introductory Latin courses. Texas Tech Classics has helped me grow more secure in myself as a researcher and especially a teacher thanks in no small part to the phenomenal and ever supportive faculty. I am grateful for the opportunities granted, responsibilities entrusted, and friends made here because each experience will only help in my PhD and beyond.
Evan Levine

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Archaeology Track, & M.S. in Geosciences
Graduation: May 2016
Post-Graduation Plans: PhD Student at the Jukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University
Testimonial: My time in the Classics MA at Texas Tech combined careful instruction with research opportunities, fieldwork, and teaching, a recipe that served as a wonderful bridge between undergraduate studies and doctoral research. The faculty pushed me to experiment and explore, finding research interests that have developed into dissertation research, and coupled this with intensive and effective language studies. In addition, I was encouraged to pursue interdisciplinary initiatives that fundamentally inform my current research. The friends that I made during my time in TTU Classics have become my colleagues, and we continue to collaborate and work closely alongside of one another, despite being spread throughout universities across the country.
Kristine Mallinson

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Archaeology Track
Graduation: May 2017
Post-Graduation Plans: PhD Student in Classical Archaeology at the University of Missouri with a focus on
Late Bronze Age Greece
Testimonial: I joined the MA program at TTU in order to strengthen my languages and delve deeper into Bronze Age archaeology. The rigorousness of the coursework and the impressive faculty were particularly helpful. In addition to the coursework, while at TTU, I had the opportunity to teach an upper level Latin course and TA for multiple classes. Overall, the MA program at TTU helped me develop my languages and research skills so that I was prepared to begin my PhD program.
Jessi Mellenthin (Jessi McCoy)

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track
Graduation: August 2020
Post-Graduation Plans: Applying to PhD programs.
Testimonial: The Classics program at TTU allowed me to have the experience of running my own classroom as a master's student. I did some teaching in undergrad, but having my own class has really made me that much better a teacher. The professors helped me as I made steps into publishing and the connections the faculty have with other departments around campus made it easier for me to expand my learning beyond just Classics.
Justin Miller

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track, & the Graduate Certificate in Linguistics
Graduation: May 2016
Post-Graduation Plans: PhD Student in Classics at Harvard University
Testimonial: I felt that the MA program at TTU really helped me become more mature as a scholar. I especially enjoyed that the department was close-knit, which gave me a good deal of one-on-one time with professors. Since a PhD program moves so quickly, with deadline after deadline constantly approaching, it was nice to have already done graduate work before entering the PhD. The MA allowed me to more fully develop my languages, widen my perspective on the ancient world, discover fields of specialization, and learn about valuable resources indispensable to the field of Classics and beyond.
Cait Mongrain

Major: B.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track
Graduation: May 2015
Post Graduation Plans: PhD Student in Classics at Princeton University
Testimonial: I completed the MA in Classics with a focus on Latin Literature in May 2015, and had the privilege of teaching undergraduate Latin at TTU for 3 years after graduation. The MA at Texas Tech gave me many professional opportunities, from extra time to improve my language proficiency (ancient and modern) to teaching experience to work in academic writing and publishing. The support and mentoring of the faculty in CMLL and the friendships I made within my cohort have been invaluable to me as I move forward in the PhD program in Classics at Princeton. When I complete the PhD, I hope to pursue a career in teaching at the university level.
Miles Pedretti-Allen
Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track
Graduation: May 2019
Post-Graduation Plans: Pursuing a Career in Administration
Testimonial: My time in the Texas Tech University graduate program in Classics has been extremely rewarding, in that it pushed me to become a more efficient, professional, resourceful, and motivated person in order to achieve my goals. Every class that I encountered in the program proved to be a valuable learning experience in one way or another. The faculty are all incredibly capable and are willing to work with you to ensure you get exactly what you're looking for out of your experience here. I have nothing but glowing endorsement for this program and would strongly encourage anyone considering a higher degree in Classics to consider the program at Texas Tech.
Brittany Proffitt

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Archaeology Track
Graduation: May 2018
Post-Graduation Plans: PhD Student in Classical Archaeology, University of Missouri
Testimonial: I really enjoyed the supportive nature of not only my classmates but of the professors and advisors at Tech. There was always someone around to bounce ideas off of, and to encourage me and to offer guidance when I needed it most.
Ayoma Saramatunge

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track, with a focus on Philosophy
Graduation: May 2019
Post-Graduation Plans: Seeking opportunities back in my home country of Sri Lanka
Testimonial: My experience here was immensely helpful for me to strengthen my Greek and Latin languages. TTU Classics gave me so much in that respect. Through hours of difficult study and meeting the pressures of deadlines, TTU Classics helped me have the strength and motivation to go on. I think it was a very wholesome experience.
Brett Stine

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Philology Track
Graduation: May 2019
Post-Graduation Plans: PhD Student in Classics, Columbia University
Testimonial: Texas Tech Classics has helped me grow as a scholar, teacher, and colleague in so many ways. I am much better prepared in my languages, I have matured in my research interests, and I have gained valuable insight and experience in teaching and mentoring in the field. The faculty have all been incredibly supportive and encouraging. My fellow graduate students continually pushed me to be a better Classicist. Texas Tech Classics has been a great place to grow as a scholar and person.
Jackson Vaughn

Concentration/Track: M.A. in LACU-Classics, Archaeology Track
Graduation: May 2018
Post-Graduation Plans: Latin Teacher & Coach at Norfolk Academy (Norfolk, VA) & Member of the Excavations
in the Athenian Agora
Testimonial: The Classics MA program at TTU turned me from an archaeologist who grudgingly studied Latin and Greek as a requirement into a devoted student of those languages. The brilliant and supportive faculty encouraged and promoted my archaeological pursuits, while expanding my horizons in history, philology, and philosophy. I am now settled in a career I love, which I ascribe entirely to my time at TTU.
CMLL Classics
CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409 -