City and Province 2012
City & Province was a unique summer field course that began in the heart of Rome and continued with an archaeological exploration of the Roman Borders in the north of England. The first two weeks of this itinerant field school unfolded within earshot of the Forum in Rome while the next four weeks were spent learning the practices of archaeological excavation at the Roman town and fort of Binchester near Hadrian's Wall.
From June 17th through July 1st students were accommodated in the spacious rooms of St. Johns University. During their time in Rome students visited a number of ancient sites with Prof. Corby Kelly, including: the Coliseum, the Pantheon, the baths of Caracalla and Diocletian, Vatican City--including St. Peter's and the Sistine Chapel--and much more. On day trips outside of Rome students walked the ancient streets of Pompeii and Herculaneum--buried in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius--and explored the well-preserved neighborhoods of Rome's port town Ostia. In the evenings students sampled wonderful Italian fare, sipped cappuccinos and enjoyed authentic gelato.
In England, students lived in St. Johns College in the old town of Durham across from the Norman cathedral, one of England's World Heritage Sites. Monday through Friday, students worked on site at Binchester learning archaeological practices of excavation with Prof. Witmore and other faculty and staff from Durham and Stanford Universities. Beyond the trenches students learned the conservation of Roman coins, glass, and metals, ceramic typology, the full documentation of archaeological materials from context sheets to Second Life, and even how to build and fire a pottery kiln. Weekend trips included a three-mile hike along Hadrian's Wall from Steel Rigg to Housesteads, an exploration of Wall's End, the Newcastle Museum, Bamburgh Castle and the Holy Island of Lindisfarne.
CMLL Classics
CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409 -