Spanish Faculty
Dr. Antonio Ladeira
Associate Professor of Portuguese
Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara, 1999
Courses Commonly Taught
- Portuguese for Research – Spanish Speakers
- 19th and 20th century Luso-Brazilian literatures
- Women authors of Portugal and Brazil
- Lusophone African Literatures
- Portuguese and Brazilian poetry
- Travel Literature
- Luso-Brazilian Cinema and Culture
- Director of the Portuguese Program
Previous teaching appointments
- Yale University
- Middlebury College
Areas of Research
- 19th and 20th century Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures
- Gender Studies
- Masculinity Studies
- Literatures of the Portuguese Diaspora in the US and Canada
- Portuguese-American Literature
Selected Publications
- “Mitologias e alegorias da masculinidade em ‘Homenagem ao Papagaio Verde'”. Jorge de Sena: Novas Perspectivas, 30 anos depois. Org. Francisco Cota Fagundes and Jorge Fazenda Lourenço. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora. 2009.
- ”Patriarchal Violence and Brazilian Masculinities in Clarice Lispector's A Maçã no Escuro”. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. University of Liverpool. England. 2009 (20 pp)
- ”Para uma ‘conversa humana': figurações do sublime na obra de Manuel Gusmão.” Textos & Pretextos. Nº10. Centro de Estudos Comparatistas. Faculdade de Letras. Universidade de Lisboa. Portugal. 2007 (15 pp)
- “Género, Perversão e Subversão em Clarice Lispector e Adília Lopes”. Revista Literatura e Cultura. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 2007. (17 pp)
- “A mundovisão masculina em O Livro de Cesário Verde.” Vértice. Nº 134. May-June. Lisbon: Editorial Caminho. 2007. (66-83)
- “Os papéis do humor na poesia brasileira contemporânea”. Sin Frontera: revista académica y literária. Vol 1 Nº 2. April. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Florida – Gainesville. 2007. (1-23)
- “Formulações e ‘fingimentos' da masculinidade em Fernando Pessoa.” Tradições Portuguesas/Portuguese Traditions: In Honor of Claude L. Hulet. Ed. by Francisco Cota Fagundes and Irene Maria F. Blayer. San Jose: Portuguese Heritage Publications, April 2007. (179-192)
- ”Subjectividade e Masculinidade em Herberto Helder e António Ramos Rosa.” Textos & Pretextos. Nº 9. Centro de Estudos Comparatistas. Lisbon: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Portugal. 2006. (6-17)
- 'Pouca Sorte com Barbeiros': Masculinity and Exile in José Rodrigues Miguéis” Hispania. Nº 4. Vol. 88. December. “American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese”. 2005. (739-749)
- “The Poet is not a Faker': Herberto Helder and the Myth of Poetry”. Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies. Vol. 7. University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. October. 2005 (1-39)
- “Fonte.” Século de Ouro: antologia Crítica da Poesia Portuguesa do Século XX. Eds. Osvaldo Manuel Silvestre & Pedro Serra. Braga/Coimbra/Lisbon: Angelus Novus & Cotovia. September. 2002. (550-566
Poetry books
- Eu Vi Jardins no Inferno. Lisbon: Palimpsesto. 2010.
- A Minha Cor Favorita é a Neve. Lisbon: Escritor. 2000.
- Todas as Línguas São Estrangeiras. Tomar: O Contador de Histórias. 1996.
- As Sombras do Silêncio. Lisboa: Derrame. 1987
Translated books
- Existe um homem que tem o costume de me dar com o guarda-chuva na cabeça. By Fernando Sorrentino. Entroncamente: OVNI. 2006 (co-translator Helder Semmedo)
Awards and Honors
- Elected unanimously into Portugal's ‘Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa'/'Geographical Society of Lisbon' (Founded in 1875). Member of the “Commission on Literature” and of the “Luso-American Commission”. (June 2007)
- “Distinguished Americans and Canadians of Portuguese Descent”. Section: Education and Universities. “Portuguese-American Historical Research Foundation, Inc.”
- Member of the ‘Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies' at Yale University (1997-2002).
Nominated for the following awards
- “Faculty Distinguished Leadership Award” at Texas Tech (For “record of outstanding service to the department, college or university”). 2006-07.
- “Hemphill Wells New Professor Excellence in Teaching Award” Texas Tech University (based on student evaluations and colleagues' assessment of performance). 2004-05
- “Alumni Association New Faculty Award” at Texas Tech University – CMLL (based on student evaluations, colleagues' assessment and pedagogically relevant curricular and extra-curricular activities). 2003-04
Creative Writing Interests
- Poetry writing and translation
CMLL Spanish Program
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