Texas Tech University

Spanish & Portuguese Program Contacts

Academic Year 2022-2023

Director: Sara Guengerich

Director of Graduate Studies: Dr. George Cole

Foundations of Spanish Program Director: Katherine Brooke

Graduate Recruiter:  Susan Larson (Literature and Culture)

Undergraduate Studies Committee: Mathilda Shepard; Pavel Andrade; Andrew Reynolds

Graduate Student Representatives: Ronny Azuaje; Gloria Cadenas

Director of the Spanish Heritage Language Program: Paola Guerrero

Spanish Heritage Language Program Coordinator: TBA

Academic Director of Spanish Program for the Texas Tech University Center in Seville: Idoia Elola 

On-site Instructors in Seville
Fall 2024: John Beusterien

Communications Director:

Directors of the CMLL Translation Task Force: TBA

Spanish and Culture Program in Costa Rica: Jeffrey Belnap

Academic Liaison for Spanish and Culture Program in Costa Rica: Katherine Brooke

Spanish Club Advisor: Dania Martinez

Advisors for Céfiro (graduate student organization): Idoia Elola

Scholarships: Antonio Ladeira; Lucas Wood

Academic Advisor: Stephanie Santos

CMLL Spanish Program

  • Address

    CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409
  • Phone
