Texas Tech University

CSA Reporting Obligations

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are responsible for reporting allegations of Clery Act crimes. CSAs must also report any Clery Act crimes reported to them or that they witness. However, CSAs are not required to report crimes that they learn of indirectly (e.g., overhear; through in‐class discussion; mentioned during a speech, workshop, or group presentation). CSA crime reporting is not a substitute for, nor does it supersede, any existing internal Departmental or other University reporting methods or protocols already in place for reporting incidents.

A Clery Act crime is considered “reported” when it is brought to the attention of a CSA, the Texas Tech Police Department or local law enforcement personnel by a victim, witness, other third party or even the offender. The crime reporting party, victim, witness or offender does not need to be affiliated with the University. While CSAs are only obligated to report Clery Act crimes that occurred within the University's Clery Geography, CSAs are encouraged to promptly report all campus related criminal incidents, and other public safety‐related emergencies, to the Texas Tech Police Department. 


Reporting Options

The victim of a crime has the option to:

Regardless of their option, you MUST file a report.

Texas Tech Clery Compliance