Texas Tech University

Clery FAQ

What is the Jeanne Clery Act?

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law originally known as the Campus Security Act. This law, enforced by the U.S. Department of Education, requires universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to disclose crime statistics information about incidents occurring on and around campuses, safety policies and procedures as it relates to reporting and investigations, issuing of notifications to the campus community, and publishing the Annual Security Report.

Are Clery and Title IX the same thing?

No, there are similarities but the two pertain to different laws. The Clery Act focuses on the reporting of Clery-defined crimes occurring within Clery-defined geography. The Clery Act focuses on policies and procedures for reporting of crimes and how the University will respond once a report is made. The Clery Act requires notification to the campus community about incidents that pose a threat. Certain individuals on campus are considered Campus Security Authorities who have a responsibility to report crimes they are made aware of to the University for statistical and safety review purposes. These reports do not generate a law enforcement response and investigation may not take place if not wanted by the victim.

Title IX requires any incident of sexual harassment or misconduct, which includes sexual assault, forcible fondling, incest, statutory rape, stalking, domestic violence or dating violence occurring on campus, or between members of the campus community. All members of the Texas Tech community are mandated by law (Senate Bill 212) to report incidents to Title IX. The Title IX office will investigate these reported incidents, and in some situation have the ability to continue an investigation even if the victim does not want to proceed. Reports must be forwarded by “Responsible Employees” to the Title IX Coordinator, and the report must include the names of those involved when known.

What is required of Texas Tech University to remain Clery compliant?

Clery compliance is not a sole responsibility of one department on campus and includes collaboration from across campus. This is not a complete list of Clery requirements, but it does include the primary obligations.

  • Publish an annual fire safety and security report containing campus security policy disclosures and statistics for the previous three years for all campuses.
  • Submit crime and fire statistics to the Department via a Web-based data collection.
  • Request crime statistics from local law enforcement in the jurisdictions where the institution is located.
  • Issue timely warning alerts to the campus community about crimes that pose a serious or continuing threat to safety.
  • Keep a daily crime and fire log that catalogs all crimes reported to the campus police.
  • Have procedures for institutional disciplinary action in cases of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Disclose your policy and procedures in the annual security report.
  • Have emergency notification and evacuation procedures, disclose these in the annual fire safety and security report.
  • Have missing student notification procedures to aid in determining if a student is missing and in notifying law enforcement personnel. Disclose your policy and procedures in the annual security report.
  • Have in place primary and ongoing prevention and awareness programs and campaigns for students and employees.

Why is this important to Texas Tech University?

The Clery Act helps to ensure a safe campus community for those who live, work or visit campus. Safety of the campus is a top priority of the administration and we strive to maintain this environment. The Clery Act ensures that incidents of crime are reported to the University to assess additional needs and notify the community if necessary. Reporting of crimes allows the University to assist victims of crime.  Non-compliance also carries heavy fines which can have an effect on future tuition rates. The current fine for one violation of the Clery act is $59,017 or limitation of federal funding.

How do I report a crime?

If you are the witness to a crime in progress or have information about a crime that took place you should contact Texas Tech Police at 806.742.3931.

If a person reports to you they were the victim of a crime, ask if they would like to file a police report. Reporting a crime to the police does not mean charges must be filed. If they chose to not notify law enforcement you must complete the CSA Incident Reporting Form and report the information.

The CSA Incident Reporting Form assist in recording important details for statistical information and can be located and filled out by following this link.


Texas Tech Clery Compliance