Texas Tech University

CSA Responsibilities

When a crime is reported, the CSA should always handle emergencies immediately by calling 911.

If it is not an emergency, the CSA should ask the individual reporting the crime if they would like to report the incident to law enforcement. If they do, the CSA can coordinate reporting and contacting the Texas Tech Police Department or local law enforcement.

All University employees (including student employees) are obligated to promptly report gender-based violence (sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking) of which they become aware to the Title IX Coordinator by completing Title IX Incident Report or calling 806.834.1949.

It is very important that CSAs report crimes on a timely basis to the TTU Clery Compliance Division because a reported crime may warrant a University issued timely warning. CSAs should not investigate a crime reported to them or attempt to determine whether in fact a crime took place. CSAs should simply report the crime using the CSA Incident Report.

CSA Dont's

  • Determining whether a crime took place
  • Try to apprehend the alleged perpetrator 
  • Try and convince a victim to contact law enforcement if the
    victim chooses not to do so

CSA Do's

  • Collect crime report information for reporting allegations of Clery Act crime
  • Report sufficient details, such as dates and times of the incidents, the location, a detailed description of what they were told
  • Explain you are required to submit a report for statistical purposes and safety evalaution
  • Report information immediately for consideration of a Timely Warning Notice

Texas Tech Clery Compliance