Texas Tech University

Personal Stories

"My eyes are open to what is out there as possibilities for the people that I service that may have taken years to know about. I have resources, I have outlets to seek further knowledge. That is all we ever want in this field. Research is hard to find. Assessment are often not normed. We often feel like we are on an island by ourselves screaming for help and running in circles. Texas can be better and should be better. This was a great experience. I enjoyed learning about myself and what kind of a leader I am. The first part of the conference really laid the foundation for our project."

"My favorite part of the event (post conference) was hearing how other organizations tackled their challenge. It was very interesting to see how some tactics overlapped with our own tactics. Hearing feedback after each presentation gave me new ideas to bring up during future meetings at my organization."

"I appreciate the opportunity to have participated this program. It was well-led and provided great information and insight."

"I am proud that what I learned at the training I was able to bring back and educate community providers in meetings, make more meaningful goals, and realize ways to push boundaries in the good way. I know that when I am in a supervisory leadership position, I will be better trained because of this project. Progress is slow. Thank you for the opportunity!"