Texas Tech University

Student Information

For More Information

Call the following for more information about the following programs offered with the Special Education Department at Texas Tech:

Class Registration

Visit with the secretary in your program about who your advisor is. The advisor can tell you which classes you need to take and in what order they need to be taken.

Online Class Registration is available at http://www.raiderlink.ttu.edu.

Check here for an updated schedule of classes offered through the Special Education Department.

NOTE: You cannot register for classes until after you have been admitted to the Texas Tech University Graduate School.

Apply to the program

Also, be aware that if you have been enrolled at TTU but do not attend either the Fall or Spring semesters, you will need to fill out a Returning Student Form which can be downloaded from the Graduate School website and fax or mail it to the Graduate School for re-enrollment. You only need to pay the enrollment fee the first time you enroll at Texas Tech.

Dropping a Class vs. Withdrawing from TTU

If you are enrolled in at least one other class, you can drop the course through http://www.raiderlink.ttu.edu. Please check the drop/withdraw dates on the Academic Calendar before dropping a class - you may still be responsible for paying full tuition if you do not drop before the last date to add/drop.

You may not drop all your classes (going down to 0 hours) on RaiderLink. Dropping all your classes implies you are withdrawing from the university, which must be done in person at the Office of the Registrar or by filling out the withdrawal form on the Registrar's website and either mailing or faxing it in.

If you need your eraider name and password, call the help desk at: (806) 742-HELP or 1-877-484-3573.

Graduation Information

When you plan to graduate you must complete an Intent to Graduate Form early in the semester you plan to graduate. Additionally, make sure your graduation date is accurate in DegreeWorks (This is your program of study.)

Visit the Graduate School website for dates, forms and other pertinent information.

Contact Information


Nora Griffin-Shirley

General Contact:

Virginia Murray Sowell Center for Research and Education in Sensory Disabilities
P.O. Box 41071
Lubbock, TX 79409