History of the Atmospheric Science Group
Meteorology taught in the Dept. of Geology. Studies of dust storms (Warn et al.)
Donald R. Haragan (Ph.D, Univ. of Texas-Austin) joins Dept. of Geosciences; introduces B.S. curriculum in meteorology
Lubbock tornado 11 May ; 28 people killed; most destructive U.S. tornado to that time.
Institute for Disaster Research founded; headquartered in Dept. of Civil Engineering, headed by Joseph E. Minor
Donald R. Haragan (Ph.D. Texas) becomes Chair of Geosciences
Richard E. Peterson (Ph.D. Missouri) joins the faculty
First B.S. graduate in meteorology: Stephen Jones
Owen Rhea added to staff for one year
Gerald M. Jurica (Ph.D. Arizona) joins the faculty
M.S. in Atmospheric Science approved
Atmospheric Science Group moves to the 12th floor of the Business Administration tower
First M.S. graduates: Dean R. Metcalf and Shew-Yi Chi.
Colleen A. Leary (Ph.D. Washington) joins the faculty.
Chia-Bo Chang (Ph.D. Florida State University) joins the faculty
First Ph.D. graduates: Eric Pani and Ed Rappaport
Wind Engineering Research Center formed; combines the resources and talents of both the Atmospheric Science Group, and Civil Engineering.
Dr. Richard Peterson becomes Chair of Geosciences
Texas Tech University becomes a member of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Arthur L. Doggett (Ph.D. Texas Tech University) joins the faculty
The Wind Engineering Mobile Instrumented Tower Experiment (WEMITE) is initiated: The goal of which is to deploy a 10-meter tall instrumented steel tower into the path of a landfalling tropical cyclone. In August, the new tower is successfully deployed near Corpus Christi for Tropical Storm Charley. It is followed up by three successful hurricane deployments in August and September.
Texas Tech University joins the National Severe Storms Laboratory, Texas A&M University and the University of Oklahoma in building two mobile Doppler radars, dubbed SMART-Rs (Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research and Teaching Radars). The
West Texas Mesonet is formed. This mesonet will provide at least one instrumented 10-meter tower for meteorological observations in each of the West Texas counties centered around Lubbock. The headquarters is established at the old Reese Air Force Base, now converted into several academic and development centers collectively called the Reese Technology Center.
John L. Schroeder (Ph.D. Texas Tech University) joins the faculty Thomas Gill (Ph.D. California-Davis) named a joint research assistant professor
Dr. Donald R.Haragan steps down as President of the University
Dr. Gerald M. Jurica passed away
Wind Science and Engineering Research Center (WISE) was formed
Section 4 ContentDr. Donald R. Haragan named Interim-President of Texas Tech University until August, 2003
Dee Chaney resigns position as secretary
Debbie Walker joins staff as business assistant
Dr. Arthur L. Doggett resigns
Loren Phillips (NWS ret.) hired to teach undergraduate meteorology
Thomas Gill leaves to become an Associate Professor at the University of Texas - El Paso
Christopher Weiss (Ph.D. Oklahoma) joins the faculty
Dr. Richard Peterson steps down as Chair of Geosciences
Sukanta Basu (Ph.D. Minnesota) joins the faculty
Million dollar grant jointly awarded to ATMO and Wind Engineering to fund development of two Ka-Band Mobile radars
Dr. Richard Peterson retires
Kyle Wiens (Ph.D., Colorado State) joins the faculty
Dr. Chia-bo Chang retires
Dr. Brian Ancell (Ph.D. University of Washington) hired as new faculty member
Dr. Sukanta Basu leaves the ATMO group to take a teaching/research position at North Carolina State University
Dr. Kyle Wiens leaves the ATMO group to take a job with the Air Force Research Laboratory's space weather center.
Eric Bruning (Ph.D. Oklahoma) joins the faculty
Song-Lak Kang (Ph.D. Penn State) joins the faculty
Dr. John Schroeder becomes the new Director of the Wind Science and Engineering (WiSE) Researh Center at Texas Tech
Dr. John Schroeder promoted to full Professor; Dr. Colleen Leary retires
Jennifer Vanos (Ph.D., University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada) joins the faculty
Johannes Dahl (Ph.D., Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany) joins the faculty
Loren Phillips retires
Justin Weaver (NWS Meteorologist in Charge) and Steve Cobb (NWS Science & Operations Officer) hired to teach undergraduate meteorology classes
John Schroder steps down as the Director of the National Wind Institute (NWI) to pursue research and technology development opportunities
Dr. Jenni Vanos leaves to assume a position at UC San Diego, CA
Karin Ardon-Dryer (Ph.D., Department of Geophysics, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and the Porter School of Environmental Studies, Tel Aviv University) joins the faculty
Song-Lak Kang resigns
Sand-dip Pal (Ph.D., University Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany) joins the faculty
Steve Cobb leaves to assume position with NWS office Tulsa, OK
Erin Shaw (M.S., Texas Tech University) hired to teach undergraduate meteorology classes
Dr. Chris Weiss promoted to full Professor
Dr. John Schroeder appointed Senior Director of the National Wind Institute
Jennifer Henderson (Ph.D., Virginia Tech) joins the faculty
March - COVID-19 forces the university to move to distant learning
June - university resumes face-to-face and hybrid classes
August - university resumes face-to-face classes
Atmospheric Science
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -