Undergraduate Minor Advising
Email: sandip.pal@ttu.edu
Phone: (806) 834-1326
Office: 1213 Media and Communication
Address: Department of Geosciences, Mail Stop 1053, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-1053
Advising Hours: By appointment
*No undergraduate degree in Atmospheric Science or Meteorology offered*

Academic Program
Atmospheric Science is a basic physical science which involves the study of the structure of the atmosphere and the processes which generate storms and other features of weather and climate. As an environmental science, Atmospheric Science is a focal point for research involving environmental quality and air pollution, global climate change, water resources, and severe weather events.
For students interested in pursuing a career in meteorology or atmospheric science, the Atmospheric Science Group provides information and guidance about preparation for graduate programs in Atmospheric Science at Texas Tech University as well as at other institutions. Ongoing research activities in the Atmospheric Science Group also provide research and job opportunities for interested and qualified undergraduate students.
The Atmospheric Science Group at Texas Tech University maintains a strong commitment to both teaching and research in Atmospheric Science. At the undergraduate level, Texas Tech University provides course offerings to meet the General Education Requirements and the needs of students with a variety of levels of interest in Atmospheric Science.
Minor in Atmospheric Science
A minor in Atmospheric Science is offered for both B.S. and B.A. students. Required courses include ATMO 1300, 1100, 2301, 2316, 3301 and approved elective courses to total 18 hours. Six hours must be junior-senior level. A list of approved elective courses is available from the department. Please contact the undergraduate advisor for information about departmental, interdisciplinary, and student-initiated minors that might include coursework in Atmospheric Science.
Undergraduate Courses
Discussion and practical experience in weather analysis, methods of instrumentation and observational meteorology.
An investigation of atmospheric properties and physical processes which determine current weather events and long-term climate conditions. With ATMO 1100, applies to the natural science requirement of the General Education Curriculum.
Observation and analysis of the impacts of weather and climate on human activity, e.g. storms, climate change, forecasting, weather modification, health, energy, transportation.
Basic meteorology of severe or hazardous weather forecasting on events affecting the U. S., especially the Great Plains and adjacent regions of Texas.
A basic study of atmospheric processes and the principles which control them.
Independent may be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Atmospheric Science
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -