Doug Smith, Ph.D., LMFT
Phone: (806) 834-7606
Office: HS 271
- Chair, Community, Family, and Addiction Sciences
- Marriage and Family Therapy
- MFT Program Director
- Co-Director of the Center for Family Systems Research and Intervention
Research Interests
Studies intimate partner violence, clinical intervention with intimate partner violence, and neurological patterns associate with intimate partner violence.
Classes Taught
Teaches MFT 5322 Family Systems Theory, MFT 6396 Supervision of MFT, MFT 6322 Research Methods, and MFT 6395 Clinical Practicum
Conducting a clinical intervention study with couples experiencing situational violence.
Leadership/Awards Texas Tech University:
Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Human Sciences (Fall2013 - present), Marriage and Family Therapy Program Director, Community, Family, and Addictive Services Department (Fall 2012- present), Executive Committee, Community, Family, and Addictive Services Department (Fall2012 - present), Graduate Coordinating Committee, College of Human Sciences( Fall2012 - present), Disaster Mental Health Volunteer, American Red Cross, North Texas Region (September 2012-present), Graduate School Consortium Member, Marriage and Family Counseling Collaborative (September 2010 - present), Board Member, Women's Protective Service (July 2008 - present) 2014 Service Award- American Red Cross; 2011 Hemphill-Wells New Professor Excellence in Teaching Award- Texas Tech University College of Human Sciences
Recent Publications
Karakurt, G., Smith,D., Whiting, J. (in press).Impact of intimate partner violence on women's mental health. Journal of Family Violence.
Kim, H., Prouty, A. M., Smith, D.B., Ko, M., Wetchler, J.L.,& Oh, J.(in press). Differentiation of self and its relationship with family functioning in South Koreans. American Journal of Family Therapy.
Kim, H., Prouty, A. M., Smith,D., Ko, M., Wetchler, J.L.,& Oh, J. (2014). Differentiation and healthy family functioning of Koreans in South Korea, South Koreans in the United States, and White Americans. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 42, 257 - 265.
Smith, D. 8.,& Whiting, J.B., Karakurt, G., *Oka, M.,& *Servino, D. (2013) The Self Assessment of Future Events Scale (SAFE): Assessing perceptions of risk for future violence in intimate partner relationships. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 39(3), 314-329.
*Brown, M., *Sanford, A., *Mansfield, T., Smith,D.,& Whiting,J.,&Ivey, D. (2012).Posttraumatic stress symptoms and perceived safety as predictors of dyadic adjustment: A test of mediation and moderation. American Journal of Family Therapy, 40, 349 - 362.
Stith, S.M., McCollum, E.E., Amanor-Boadu, Y. & Smith, D. (2012) Systemic perspectives on intimate partner violence treatment. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 38{1),220-240.
Whiting, J.B., Smith, D. B., *Oka, M.,& *Karakurt, G. (2012). Safety in intimate partnerships : Therole ofappraisals and threat.Journal of Family Violence, 27, 313 - 320.
Anderson, A., *Dial, S., Ivey, D.,& Smith,D. (2011). Gender and violence in dyadic relationships. AmericanJournal of Family Therapy, 39(3), 242-254.
Servino, D.,Smith D. B.,*Porter,R. D.,& *Brown,M. D.(2011). Perception of safety in intimate relationships: Group differences based on gender and setting.Journal of Family Violence, 26, 431-43
Smith,D.8.,Henry, S.B.,Archuleta, K.L.,Sanders,E.,Nelson Goff, B. S.,Reisbig,A. M.
J.,Schwerdtfeger, K. L., Bole, A., Hayes,E., Hoheisel,C.B., Nye, B., Osby-Williams,
J., & Scheer, T.(2011). Trauma and couples: Mechanisms in dyadic functioning.Journal of Marital &Family Therapy, 37(3), 319 - 332.
Community, Family, and Addiction Sciences
College of Human Sciences Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41250, Lubbock, TX 79409-1250 -
806.742.3060 -