Texas Tech University

IIDA Texas Tech University Campus Center Holds Second Annual Career Fair

Two Speakers from IIDA Take the Stage at Keynote Breakfast

The International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Texas Tech University Campus Center held its second annual career fair Feb. 21. IIDA TTU Campus Center President and Interior Design major, Ivy Lane, said the event is an invaluable educational, networking, and professional development opportunity for Texas Tech Interior Design students and provides an excellent talent recruitment opportunity for firms. Students were able to receive portfolio reviews, professional headshots, and get a glimpse of the interior design industry in addition to making professional connections.IIDA Career Fair

This year's career fair was special because IIDA Texas Tech University Campus Center hosted its first keynote breakfast. The breakfast featured Executive Vice President and CEO of IIDA Cheryl S. Durst, HON. FIIDA, LEED AP and IIDA Student Engagement and Advancement Manager Ryan Ben. The honored speakers spoke about student membership initiatives as well as the power and future of design.

"This is usually a once in a lifetime chance for us to be able to meet someone so honored in our industry and the fact that I was able to convince them to come still has me speechless," Ivy said.

Cheryl was inducted into the Interior Design Hall of Fame in 2016 and is referred to by interior magazine as, "an ambassador for innovation and expansion, and a visionary strategist." Cheryl's accomplishments and ability to engage audiences make her a highly sought-after keynote speaker.

Ryan has been with IIDA for 8 years. In 2016, Ryan became the Student Engagement and Advancement Manager at IIDA where he curates the IIDA Student Member experience. Ryan is an adept event manager, panel moderator, and program creator who creates resources to enhance the professional development of students and the IIDA student membership experience.

"Ryan believes we all have a powerful story to share and enjoys helping student designers connect with the IIDA community," Ivy said.

Ivy explained that she personally benefited from the experience because she was able to host Cheryl and Ryan and get to know them on a personal level.

"It has helped me understand the industry so much and has made me want to be more involved. It has made networking and speaking to professionals so much easier and being able to step out of my comfort zone. It has helped me grow into someone who really appreciates our industry and wants to be a part of it anyway I can."Breakfast Keynote Speakers Executive Vice President and CEO of IIDA Cheryl S. Durst, HON. FIIDA, LEED AP and IIDA Student Engagement and Advancement Manager Ryan Ben

IIDA is devoted to the education and professional development of interior design students. IIDA Texas Tech University Campus center provides opportunities for interior design students to build careers, professional connections, and meet other students pursuing interior design.

IIDA Texas Tech Campus Center holds events like the Career Fair, but also offers social events for students, like planting on Arbor Day and visiting the Corn Maize at At'l, Do Farms in Lubbock.

Ivy said that her experience as IIDA TTU Campus President and IIDA Texas Oklahoma Chapter Student Representative has helped tremendously with her career. Ivy has already been offered a job as a Junior Interior Designer E4H after she graduates. Ivy will be designing flexible environments for health that enhance the well-being of patients, family, and healthcare staff.

"IIDA has helped me gain so much it has been an invaluable educational, networking, and professional development opportunity for myself as an Interior Design student."