Texas Tech University

TTU K-12 Demo Courses

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    ELAR 2A: English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 2A (v.6.1)

    Course Introduction

    ELAR 2A is the first semester of this two-semester course.

    Congratulations on choosing an outstanding second-grade curriculum! Using this curriculum, you and your student will experience the joy of learning to read, spell, and write. This curriculum presents your student with various reading and writing selections from a variety of genres. The student will learn to comprehend and respond to many different problems and resolutions presented in the online textbook. Also, the student will become more familiar with correct use of the English language while learning how to write both creatively and for a purpose.

    This course is completed entirely online in Blackboard using Learning Modules and the online textbook. You will have module tests to complete at the end of each Learning Module, essays and a poem.

    How to Proceed

    • Explore your course using the left-side course menu.
    • Review the Syllabus by clicking the Syllabus link in the side course menu.
    • All of the course content can be found under the Learning Modules link in the side course menu.
    • When you are ready, open the Modules page and begin learning!
    • If you have any questions, click the Got Questions? link in the left-side menu and use the Q&A Discussion Board.
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