Texas Tech University

Students with Disabilities

Texas Tech K-12 s flexibility allows accommodations for many students' special needs.

Online instruction presents different challenges than those in a traditional classroom. The curriculum is rigorous and is reading- and writing-intensive. Successful online students are able to take initiative and manage their own time.

Nevertheless, Texas Tech K-12 strives to offer exceptional education programs that meet the needs of students with disabilities. To qualify, the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) needs to indicate that the Texas Tech K-12 online program is the appropriate instructional setting for the student and is the student’s least restrictive environment.

The student’s admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee has the responsibility of determining whether or not an electronic (online) course/program will meet the needs of a student with a disability. The committee will also take into account the nature of the asynchronous program and what services can be implemented online. It is crucial to note that the program is fully online, providing only services that can be provided virtually as the school does not have a physical location. The ARD committee will make an informed decision about an online program and the educational appropriateness of this academic setting for a student and his or her particular academic needs.

Requesting Accommodations

A student requesting accommodations must submit either:

  • A signed Individual Education Plan (IEP) from the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee report. This report must have been completed within the last three years.
  • A 504 Accommodation Form from the public school district in which the student is currently (or was previously) enrolled, describing any special considerations necessary to take a course and/or exams.
Accommodation request forms are found in Focus under Forms.

Contact Us For More Information

Things to Keep in Mind

Information regarding available disability accommodations should be obtained as soon as you enroll in a course or CBE.

Accommodations applied to one course do not automatically apply to other courses. Please be specific as to which courses you are requesting accommodations.

Someone typing on a laptop - Texas Tech
At Texas Tech K-12, accessibility matters. We are committed to fostering a culture that addresses the unique needs of each of our students, ensuring that our curriculum meets the highest federal accessibility standards, and working with individual students to ensure they have the access they need.Lisa Leach, Ed.D, Senior Director
Instructional Design and Curriculum Development


SPEDTEX-Special Education Information Center - Texas Tech

The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Contact information: