Texas Tech University

Texas Tech K-12 Student Handbook

Effective July 12, 2021


Dear Students:

Welcome and thank you for choosing Texas Tech University K-12 (TTU K-12) for your educational needs. You are now a part of a long-standing tradition: Texas Tech University has been offering distance-learning courses for over 70 years. Please read this handbook and refer to it often for information regarding course processes at TTU K-12 for your individualized program, whether it is a supplemental course, a Credit by Exam, or a full-time program.

We commend your desire to learn and your motivation to complete your education. Your attitude and effort will have a direct correlation to your degree of success in our program.

We extend our very best wishes to you as you strive for academic and personal success!

TTU K-12 History and Accreditation

Established by legislative and state board action in 1993 as Texas Tech University High School, Texas Tech University K-12 (TTU K-12) has been serving students from kindergarten through 12th grade since 1998. Our comprehensive distance education is accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). All courses and Credit by Exams (CBEs) are aligned with the state-mandated Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which are curriculum standards established by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE). TTU K-12 also follows the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (INACOL) standards.

From its inception, TTU K-12 had been a tuition-based program. In 2019, the Texas Legislature included in HB 3 a provision allowing TTU K-12 to receive state funding for full-time Texas resident students. In 2020, the State Board of Education established Texas Administrative Code §61.101, Special Purpose School Districts operated by a major University. TTU K-12 opted to receive state funding for full-time Texas resident students beginning in August 2021.

TTU K-12 Mission and Vision Statements

Mission: To provide an excellent academic program that engages, challenges, and prepares students for their futures.

Vision: To create a strong online academic community that provides students an excellent education: anytime, anywhere.

Nondiscrimination Statement

TTU K-12 values and respects all students and staff as part of its academic and social community. TTU K-12 recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential.

TTU K-12 prohibits discrimination against any member of our community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or status as a veteran. Any such discrimination will not be tolerated.

If you experience any issue or situation in which you feel excluded, intimidated, or bullied, please contact any of our administrators or advisors. TTU K-12 will promptly investigate such conduct in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. TTU K-12 will address your concerns in a respectful manner and will maintain your confidentiality to the greatest extent possible permitted by applicable law.

Local contact information:

  • Texas Tech K-12
  • Tech Plaza
  • 1901 University Ave
  • Lubbock, TX 79401

Overnight shipping

  • Tech Plaza
  • 1901 University Ave, Rm 501
  • Lubbock, TX 79401

TTU K-12 Teachers

TTU K-12 teachers are TEA-certified and are available to assist you throughout your course. You should always contact your teachers through the TTU K-12 messaging system used in the course Learning Management System (LMS). Information about instructors can be found on the TTU K-12 website.

All TTU K-12 teachers follow the Texas Tech University Staff Calendar for holidays and breaks.

TTU K-12 Support

The TTU K-12 Student Support Team is available by phone at +1-800-692-6877 or by email at ttuk12@ttu.edu

Students Served by TTU K-12

TTU K-12 serves students in the state of Texas, the United States and internationally. We serve several types of students:

  1. Full-time Texas-Resident students who attend at no cost.
  2. Full-time out-of-state students, or Texas students desiring a more flexible program, who participate in a tuition-based program.
  3. Supplemental students who are enrolled full-time at another school and are taking courses or CBEs for school credit. These courses are tuition-based.
  4. International students seeking a concurrent diploma (a diploma from Texas and a diploma from their home country) or a single Texas diploma.
  5. Students interested in earning course credit through Credit-by-Exam options purchased through your current school.

Student Expectations

Time Management

As a TTU K-12 student, you will need to develop personal time management plans to maintain steady progress toward course completion. By setting aside specific hours each day for your coursework, setting your own deadlines, and staying in contact with your teachers via course messaging, you will create an environment that enhances your learning experience. Ask your parents and tutors to teach and guide you regarding time management and study skills, including:

  • keeping an academic calendar to be aware of upcoming assignments and exams and complete them in a timely manner;
  • reading and following instructions on the assignments;
  • maintaining contact with your teachers; and
  • maintaining satisfactory progress in all courses.

Carefully read all course materials before beginning coursework, particularly each course syllabus. The course syllabus will contain information and expectations to assist you in obtaining academic success.

You will spend approximately 90-100 hours per course enrollment. Because TTU K-12 courses are asynchronous, the amount of actual time you spend on a course will depend on your previous knowledge and skills in the course content area.

After you have successfully enrolled in one or more courses, you should:

  • log in to the TTU K-12 Portal within the first two days of enrolling;
  • read and print the course syllabus;
  • become familiar with the Blackboard Learning Management System;
  • read all material titled Introduction and Course Navigation;
  • follow sections of the course content in order;
  • work in courses on a regular basis by participating:
    • in discussion boards and forums;
    • in graded instructional items, quizzes, and assignments; and
    • through follow-up on feedback posted to assignment submissions.


You are responsible for your personal conduct and behavior. A distance education course, whether online or in print, carries the same expectations as a course in a traditional classroom. The teacher monitors and evaluates student conduct and behavior, and you will be held accountable for your words and actions.

Behavior or language not appropriate for a traditional classroom is likewise not appropriate in a TTU K-12 course. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of profanity and the refusal to complete assignments. Behaving in this manner may result in being dropped from your course(s). By enrolling in a course or CBE, you have entered into an agreement with TTU K-12 to refrain from the use of profanity in both written and oral communication and to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner at all times.

For further information regarding student conduct in a TTU K-12 course, please read the TTU K-12 Policies

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

TTU K-12 fosters a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of integrity. An attempt to present any work you have not honestly performed as your own is regarded by TTU K-12 as a serious offense leading to serious consequences.

As a part of Texas Tech University, the TTU K-12 student conduct policy aligns with the university’s student policy regarding academic integrity:

“Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, falsifying academic records, misrepresenting facts, and any act designed to give an unfair academic advantage to the student (such as, but not limited to, submission of essentially the same written assignment for two courses).”

For a full description of each of the examples above, please read Section I, Part B.1, Academic Dishonesty in the TTU Student Conduct Policy.

Taking a Course

TTU K-12 does not operate on a semester basis; therefore, courses are asynchronous. Open enrollment allows you to enroll in any course, at any time, and work at your own pace. If you are enrolled in another district, obtain approval from your school counselor before enrolling in a course to ensure credit upon successful completion.

The majority of courses are offered online through our Course Portal. For a full listing of courses and course descriptions offered by TTU K-12, visit the TTU K-12 Course Catalog.


Most courses have textbooks. To purchase the textbook for your course, please go to MBS Direct. Texas resident students in the tuition-free program will have their textbooks ordered for them upon enrolling.

Assignment Resubmission

At the teacher’s discretion, you may resubmit assignments that earn a score below 70%. The teacher will notify you if you need to resubmit all or a portion of an assignment. You may also initiate the resubmission process by contacting your teacher using the course messaging in the LMS.

Please note:

  • Only one resubmission per assignment may be allowed.
  • Resubmission is not allowed after the final exam has been completed.

Course Credit

The course grade will be calculated as follows:

  • 50% coursework average
  • 50% summative assessment average, including the final exam
    • (Designated summative assessments will be defined in the course syllabus.)
  • A passing course grade is 70 or higher.
  • Students must attempt all assignments in the course. The final exam will not be available until all assignments have been accepted and graded by the teacher.
  • Students who score below 70% for the first final exam attempt will be eligible to retake the final one time.

Final Exams

You may take a final exam once you have completed all course work, including checkpoints. Each assignment requires two business days for grading and processing; therefore, this time will factor into coursework completion.

If you require a final course grade in order to meet a specific deadline, allow five days for the final grade to post after you complete the final exam.

Online Proctoring

Proctorio, an online proctoring service, is built into all course final exams and CBEs. This service provides live-authentication and active monitoring of the test-taker’s surroundings and entire desktop throughout the exam. To protect student privacy, the recordings are not saved on any central server and can only viewed by the course instructor and/or administrator.

Any exceptions to the use of online proctoriong must be approved in advance by a TTU K-12 administrator.

Assignment Grades

Teachers have two business days to grade assignments. Plan ahead to ensure your schedule allows for this grading time. Communicate with your TTU K-12 advisor (full-time students) or your local campus counselor (supplemental students) for us to work with you and help you meet deadlines for graduation, employment, and college.

Allow five business days for the course grade to be recorded before requesting a grade report. Only completed courses are officially reported and recorded. There is no academic penalty for failure to complete a course.

Final Grade Disputes: Grade Appeals Process

Students and their parents may have their grade appeals addressed by TTU K-12. The appeal must be in writing and follow the policies listed in TTU K-12 Policies for student and parent grievances.

You may appeal a final grade in writing using the Grade Appeal Request. The appeal must be within 30 days after completion of the course.

  • Only final course grades can be formally appealed.
  • TTU K-12’s grade appeals policy is available online in our TTU K-12 Policies.

CBEs evaluate mastery of a given subject or discipline as defined by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). With the exception of some elementary courses, each CBE covers one semester of course credit.

CBE enrollments are non-refundable and non-transferable.

For a full listing of CBEs offered by TTU K-12, visit the TTU K-12 Course Catalog.

You must obtain prior approval from your school counselor to ensure credit upon completion. See the TTU K-12 Policies for Texas Administrative Code (TAC) details regarding the number of CBEs allowed per year and other provisions.


CBE Reviews are available online at TTU K-12 CBE Review Sheets.

CBE Grades

Grades for all CBEs will be recorded as the numerical percentage earned on the CBE. A score report will be mailed to your home address and school. Each school district will determine if credit will be granted based on district policies and practices.

There are no grade appeals for CBEs: grades are final, and you will not receive any feedback. If you do not successfully pass a CBE, you may take one alternative version of the CBE. You must obtain approval from your school counselor before enrolling in a second CBE to ensure credit upon successful completion.

Proctoring Requirements

Online proctoring requirements for CBEs are the same as those for final course exams.

Basic Computer Skills

You must have reliable Internet access and basic computer skills. You are responsible for resolving any technology issues relating to computers, related equipment, and Internet access.

General System Requirements for Online Learning/Courses

Browser Compatibility Statement:

TTU K-12 recognizes that our students/users may have many different types and versions of Web Browsers, Operating Systems, and Mobile Devices. We would like all visitors to have the best possible experience on our website and in our online courses. However, we cannot guarantee that our systems work the same on every browser, platform, or device due to the major differences in the way Web browsers interpret, process, or display HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and other scripts or extensions.

Older browser versions, operating systems, or devices may not support the same standards. Upgrading to the newest version will enhance your security and experience on our website. To get the best experience in our systems; cookies, JavaScript, Pop-ups, and SSL must be enabled in your browser preferences. Ad Blockers should be disabled.

Disabling any of these features or using an older or non-compatible browser could result in some of our systems not performing as expected. The use of unsupported browsers may also lead to vulnerabilities due to viruses, spyware, malware, and other security issues. In addition, Ad Blockers can interfere with some activities. Ad Blockers should be turned off while accessing educational resources.

Web-browser (latest up-to-date version):

  • Google Chrome is REQUIRED for Online Exams. However, other available browsers can be used for most coursework other than exams, such as: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer (Not recommended), Microsoft Edge (Not recommended), or Safari (Mac only, not supported on Windows).
  • JavaScript must be enabled.
  • Cookies must be enabled.
  • Pop-ups must be enabled.
  • Ad Blockers must be disabled.
  • Viewing PDFs: We highly recommend setting your browser to download PDFs and viewing them off-line in an external PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. Some security settings may prevent PDFs from being viewed in your browser.
  • Link to Blackboard Browser Checker:

Unique Individual Email Address:

TTU K-12 requires a unique individual email address for each student to ensure any communication goes to the intended recipient and for password reset functionality. Most ISPs provide multiple email addresses to families.

For customers with an email address provided by their school or district; the following information MUST be whitelisted by the school/district IT department to ensure delivery of system emails.

  • Whitelist the Focus Sending Email Address necessary for System Emails such as Password Resets, etc.:
    • noreply@focusmail.focus-sis.org
    • Also, ensure the domain mg.focus-sis.com is whitelisted and the following IPs:

Computer Hardware MINIMUM Recommendations:

  • 250 GB hard drive or higher
  • Minimum 4 GB RAM or higher (8-16 GB RAM recommended)
  • Computer microphone and speakers for audio capability
  • Web Camera (Required for Online Proctoring of Exams)

Recommended Operating Systems (latest up-to-date versions):

  • Windows 10
  • MAC OS
  • Chrome OS (some apps may have limited functionality)
  • Anti-virus program (updated regularly)
  • Blackboard requires a regular, reliable, and stable High-speed Internet connection (cable modem, DSL, satellite broadband, T1, Wi-Fi etc.). The minimum Internet connection speed to access Blackboard is a consistent 1.5 Mbps (megabits per second) or higher. (See requirements for Proctorio Exams) Consistent means that your connection does not fall below 1.5 Mbps during regular usage. If your speed is slower than 1.5 Mbps, you may need to find an alternative way to access the Internet either by finding a different Internet service provider or using the wireless connection at a public facility.
  • If you are outside the contiguous United States, see how your country ranks on Mobile and Fixed Broadband Internet speeds. Not all countries will have the infrastructure to support online learning. Please ensure that you have the capabilities to support online learning.
  • You can check your speed settings using the speed test on one of these websites:

Using Mobile Devices in Online Education:

Many mobile devices such as tablets, phones, and Chromebooks should not be used as a primary device for online education because they may not support all needed functions. A full OS desktop or laptop should be used for exams.

Mobile devices running the latest Windows Mobile OS, Apple OS, Chrome OS, and Android OS can be used as supplemental devices in some cases, but your experience may vary between different courses and different devices.

Minimum Speeds
  20+ Mbps 10-20 Mbps 6-10 Mbps 4-6 Mbps 2-4 Mbps
Basic Email Web Surfing Video Not Recommended X X X X X
Good Web Surfing Experience Low Quality Video Streaming (720p) X X X X  
Excellent Web Surfing High Quality Video Streaming (1080p) X X X    
High Quality Video Streaming High Speed Downloads / Business-Grade Speed X X      
Multiple High Bandwidth Applications High Quality Video Conferencing X        
Actual bandwidth needs may be higher depending upon number of users and whether you are using shared or dedicated Internet access. For businesses interested in VoIP, assess the overall quality of your bandwidth connection using Speed Test Plus.

Blackboard Specific Requirements:

Proctorio Minimum System Requirements:

Proctorio offers a flexible service, which may include recording of video, audio, and screen activity or none of the above. The system requirements are dependent on the exam settings. Test takers are encouraged to use a practice exam to test their systems prior to taking an exam. Virtual machines and proxy connections will not work.

Note: In most cases, Proctorio's modest requirements can accommodate devices as old as 10 yrs. and it should be noted that the Operating System version requirements do not coincide with the devices' age.

For security & functionality, it is generally recommended that test-takers update their systems to the most recent OS possible.

  Windows Mac Linux Chrome OS
Operating System Windows 7+ macOS 10.11+ Ubuntu 18.04+ Chrome 58+
Processor Intel Pentium or better Intel Intel Pentium or better Intel or ARM
Free Disk Space 250 MB 250 MB 250 MB 250 MB
Free RAM 2 GB1 2 GB1 2 GB1 1 GB1
Upload Speed   0.092 Mbps - 0.244 Mbps2
Microphone Any Microphone, either internal or external3
Webcam 320x240 VGA resolution (minimum) internal or external3
  1. Free RAM is the minimum amount of memory that is not in use by other applications.
  2. Depends on the exam settings, secure browser has no upload speed requirement.
  3. Only required for proctoring, secure browser functionality does not require audio/visual recording.


Part-time students who wish to enroll as full-time TTU K-12 students: visit the Programs page on the TTU K-12 website.

Note: Proof of Texas Residency must be provided upon application to the Tuition-Free Program.

Tuition-free Program Requirements

Application and Enrollment

  • An all-online program must be consistent with your academic needs.
  • You must have access to computer hardware that meets minimum requirements, as well as reliable internet access.
  • You must submit a birth certificate and proof of Texas residency.
  • You must submit a Social Security Number (and card upload for verification), a State ID Number/SNumber (Not a Drivers License Number), or a Unique Texas ID Number.
  • You are required to take the designated STAAR/EOC exams for your grade level.
  • You will need a designated Learning Coach. Your parent/guardian, or another responsible adult, will work with your teachers to monitor progress, lesson mastery, and review student work.

Attendance/Progress Requirements

  • In your all-online program, “attendance” will be defined as progress within each semester course.
  • You will have six months to complete each semester course.
  • You must maintain enrollment in a minimum of four semester courses.
  • You must complete a minimum of 5% of course assignments in every seven-day period. For example, if your course has 20 assignments, you need to complete a minimum of one per week. If your course has 60 assignments, you must average a minimum of three per week.
  • Please note:
    • Completing the minimum number of assignments does not guaranteed you will complete within the 6-month time frame.
    • Completing the minimum number of assignments and courses may not maintain your appropriate grade level or anticipated graduation date.
    • If your progress is adequate, your parent may request “vacation” days. These must be requested and approved in advance.
  • Extensions are not available, so you must schedule your weekly progress to complete the minimum of four courses during the 6-month period.
  • Failure to meet minimum progress requirements may cause TTU K-12 to implement truancy processes and may result in your removal from the program.
  • More information about Tuition-Free Program Policies can be found in our Attendance and Truancy policy.

Part-time students who wish to enroll as full-time TTU K-12 students: visit the Programs page on the TTU K-12 website.

Identification Cards and Verification of Enrollment (VOE)

As a full-time student, you are eligible to receive a TTU K-12 student identification card and Verification of Attendance (VOE).

Verification of Attendance

If you are a full-time student who wishes to receive a Verification of Enrollment and Attendance (VOE) for any purpose, including a driver’s permit, Social Security benefits or child support, avoiding truancy in your local district, or legal documentation of enrollment in a TTU K-12 full-time program, you MUST meet the full-time student eligibility requirements as outlined above.

You may request a Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) VOE Form or an official letter verifying enrollment and attendance from your TTU K-12 academic advisor. TTU K-12 administration may deny verification of enrollment and attendance to any student who has not maintained adequate progress to stay on grade level. Request a VOE by emailing a request to your TTU K-12 academic advisor. The advisor will require at least two working days for progress review.

If you are denied a VOE, your TTU K-12 academic advisor will work with you to outline a progress intervention plan to meet the requirements necessary to receive a VOE in the future.

Student ID Cards

We recommend all students in TTU K-12 full-time programs receive an ID card. The card provides student authentication for state and national testing, final exam proctoring services, and school attendance verification.

To receive an ID card, fill out an Identity Verification form.

Texas Tech Elementary School: As a full-time TTU K-12 elementary student, you must maintain academic progress in a minimum of four courses concurrently.

After you complete both first (A) and second (B) semesters of all four core subject areas in your grade level, you will receive a report card. Upon successful completion of these four core subject areas, you will be promoted to the next grade level.

Course Assessment and Grading

Each elementary course requires that you take a proctored final exam. Refer to the section on Online Proctoring Requirements. For more information on how course grades are assessed, please refer to the section titled Grading Procedures.

For more information on how course grades are assessed, please refer to the section titled Grading Procedures.

State and National Assessments

Elementary School Program: Grade Level Assessments for Full-Time Students

Students enrolled in the full-time elementary school program may take the appropriate grade level State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) assessments in the Spring at a local Texas public or charter school. Please contact the TTU K-12 testing coordinator at ttuk12@ttu.edu for student specific requirements and more information. Parents/students should receive information via email in January for the Spring STAAR administration for grades 3-5. Additional information may be found at STAAR Testing.

Texas law (HB 4545) states that any student who did not pass a STAAR exam the previous year is REQUIRED to receive 30 hours of additional remedial instruction in that content area per year. This applies to students who did not take the exams as well.

Residents outside of Texas: contact ttuk12@ttu.edu to assist in testing arrangements.

STAAR Assessments - Elementary School

The following table lists the STAAR assessments for grades 3 through 5:

STAAR Grade Level Assessments
Grade 3 Reading, Math
Grade 4 Reading, Math, Writing
Grade 5 Reading, Math, Science


Texas Tech Middle School: As a full-time TTU K-12 middle school student, you must maintain academic progress in a minimum of four courses concurrently.

Students enrolled in Texas Tech Middle School should complete four to five subject areas (eight to ten TTU K-12 courses) per calendar year. The following table outlines courses required in each grade:

Middle School Courses Required
Grade 6 Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
Grade 7 Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Career Explorations*, Fine Art**
Grade 8 Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Career Explorations*, Fine Art**

* Students must complete a semester course in Career Exploration (CE) between the seventh and eighth grades.
**Students must complete one fine art subject in either seventh or eighth grade per Texas Administrative Code §74.3.

Grade Level Placement for Transfer Students

If you transfer to Texas Tech Middle School from an accredited public or private school, you will be placed using the grade level indicated by your previous school. You must provide an official transcript or report card for placement.

STAAR Assessments - Middle School

Students enrolled in Texas Tech Middle School may take the appropriate grade level STAAR assessments in the Spring at a local Texas public or charter school. Please contact the TTU K 12 testing coordinator at ttuk12@ttu.edu for student specific requirements or more information. Parents/students should receive information via email in January for Spring STAAR 6-8 administration. Additional information may be found at STAAR Testing.

Texas law (HB 4545) states that any student who did not pass a STAAR exam the previous year is REQUIRED to receive 30 hours of additional remedial instruction in that content area per year. This applies to students who did not take the exams as well.

The table below lists the STAAR assessments for grades six through eight:

STAAR Grade Level Assessments
Grade 6 Reading, Math
Grade 7 Reading, Math, Writing
Grade 8 Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies

High School Credit Courses

Students who receive approval to earn high school credits in Texas Tech High School must successfully complete the corresponding STAAR End of Course (EOC) exams for Algebra 1, Biology, English 1, English 2, and U.S. History. Students in Texas will test in a local public or charter school. Additional information may be found at STAAR Testing. Residents outside of Texas: contact ttuk12@ttu.edu to assist in testing arrangements.

Texas Tech High School: As a full-time TTU K-12 high school student, you must maintain academic progress in a minimum of four courses concurrently. Note: you will need to take more than the minimum number of courses to stay on grade level and graduate at your desired time.

To complete and retain admission as a student in Texas Tech High School, you must work with an academic advisor and be enrolled in a minimum of four TTU K-12 courses (dual-credit and CBEs excluded). Generally, you will complete a total of six to seven credits per year (12-14 courses) and must also pass five STAAR EOC (End of Course) exams to meet graduation requirements.

To graduate with a Texas Tech High School diploma, you will take at least your last year of high school credits (25%) from TTU K-12. Exceptions will be considered by administration on a case-by-case basis but the last semester (2.5 credits) must be taken from TTU K-12.

In addition to working towards a high school diploma, you may request a VOE and Student ID cards. You may also participate in PSAT, ACT, AND SAT exams. For more information on Texas Tech High School, click on the following links:

Dual Credit

You must contact your advisor for approval of dual credit enrollment.

Final Grade Point Calculation for Graduation

TTU K-12 uses the guidelines below to compute your final Grade Point Average (GPA) in Texas Tech High School:

  1. TTU K-12 computes the GPA for graduation using all accredited TTU K-12 courses that apply to graduation.
  2. Each numerical grade will be assigned the following points:
Numerical Grade Alphabetic Grade Points for Regular Courses Points for Honors, AP, and Dual-Credit Courses
90-100 A 4.0 5.0
80-89 B 3.0 4.0
75-79 C 2.0 3.0
70-74 D 1.0 2.0
0-69 F 0.0 0.0
  1. All course grades while you are enrolled in TTU K-12 will be recorded on your transcript and used in computing your final GPA. However, you may replace a failing grade you received on a TTU K-12 course or CBE by repeating the course or CBE.

Transfer Grades for the High School Program

All grades transferred to Texas Tech High School from another accredited school will be used in computing your final GPA except for local credit courses and courses scored on a pass/fail scale.

Grades on homeschool transcripts and transcripts from non-accredited schools are not transferable. To receive credit for non-accredited courses, you must take Credit by Exams (CBEs) or enroll in the courses.

If you have failed a previous transfer course, you may repeat the course for credit with Texas Tech High School.

The following designations will receive weighted credits:

  • AP or P
  • Honors
  • IB
  • Dual Credit/Concurrent Credit

All accredited TTU K-12 courses taken by a student that apply to graduation will be used to compute the GPA, excluding any approved PE Substitution (SUBPRO) credits and local credit courses.

TTU K-12 academic advisors will make every effort to assist students in transferring grades and credits from accredited public or private schools as allowed by Texas Education Agency (TEA) policies and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). An official transcript or report card will be required for credit transfer.

Public or Private School Transfer Grades Conversion to TTU K-12
Public/Private School Grade TTU K-12 High School Grade
  • A+
  • A
  • A-
  • 100
  • 95
  • 90
  • B+
  • B
  • B-
  • 89
  • 85
  • 80
  • C+
  • C
  • C-
  • 79
  • 77
  • 75
  • D+
  • D
  • D-
  • 74
  • 72
  • 70
  • F
  • 69


Beginning with 9th grade students enrolling in TTU K-12 after August 1, 2021, class rank will not be calculated or reported except of students in the Top 10% of a given class as required by state law. Please see Class Rank FAQ for more information.

If you enrolled in ninth grade before the 2014-15 school year, you must complete the 26-credit Recommended High School Program (RHSP) or the 22-credit Minimum High School Program (MHSP), and you must meet the state testing requirements for your graduation plan.

STAAR End of Course (EOC) Exams

Students enrolled in Texas Tech High School must pass five STAAR EOC Exams to meet graduation requirements in the following subjects (exceptions may apply):

  • Algebra I
  • English I (Reading/Writing)
  • English II (Reading/Writing)
  • Biology
  • U.S. History

Released test questions can be found on the TEA web site at this link: Test Questions.

Registration for STAAR EOC Exams:

Register online at Texas Assessment:

  • Scroll down to the Helpful Links.
  • Select STAAR Out of School/Out of District Examinee Registration Form.
  • Choose Texas Tech University K-12 High School (152504) as your District.
  • Choose Texas Tech High School as your Campus.

Texas law (HB 4545) states that any student who did not pass a STAAR exam the previous year is REQUIRED to receive 30 hours of additional remedial instruction in that content area per year. This applies to students who did not take the exams as well.


Students classified in the 10th and 11th grades may take the PSAT. If you have earned 6.0 high school credits, you may take the PSAT National Merit Qualifying Test for practice each October. To qualify as a National Merit Finalist with a possible scholarship, you must be classified as a junior with a minimum of 13 high school credits.

To participate in this test, contact the testing coordinator at ttuk12@ttu.edu for more information. It is recommended that you make contact in June, well in advance of the mid-October test date. More information regarding this process can be found at PSAT for Homeschool Students.


Students classified as juniors in the Texas Tech High School should prepare to take the SAT and/or ACT. Contact the TTU K-12 testing coordinator at ttuk12@ttu.edu for more information.

SAT and ACT Registration Codes:

  • SAT Registration: College Board
    • Use Texas Tech University High School code 444357
  • ACT Registration: ACT
    • Use Texas Tech University High School code 444357

SAT and ACT scores sent to Texas Tech University are not automatically sent to the offices of TTU K-12. You should notify your TTU K-12 academic advisor and testing coordinator of your intent to take the exam and have an official score report sent to the TTU K-12 registrar’s office.

As a student enrolled in Texas Tech High School, you have several options for earning a high school diploma, depending on the date of your enrollment in ninth grade:

  • Students enrolled in ninth grade before the 2014-15 school year must complete the Recommended High School Program (RHSP) or the Minimum High School Program (MHSP) and meet state testing requirements for your graduation plan. In some cases, you may be permitted to graduate on the Foundation Graduation Plan or the Foundation with Endorsement Graduation Plan and earn a Distinguished Level of Achievement.
  • Students enrolled in ninth grade during or after the 2014-15 school year must complete the Foundation Graduation Plan plus Endorsement.
  • For complete information regarding Texas graduation requirements, refer to the graduation section of the TEA website.

Foundation Graduation Plan plus Endorsements

If you enrolled in ninth grade during or after the 2014-15 school year, you will graduate under the rules of House Bill 5 (HB 5). HB 5 graduation plans consist of a Foundation Graduation Plan plus one of five endorsements from which students may choose.


Endorsements consist of a related series of courses that provide students with in-depth knowledge of a subject area. Read more information about endorsement choices at the Texas Education Agency Graduation Toolkit.

  • In addition to the 22 credits earned on the Foundation Plan, college-bound students in Texas Tech High School will complete one advanced course credit in math and science and two credits of targeted electives.
  • Each endorsement option offered by TTU K-12 has one to four required electives to meet the endorsement: Currently, TTU K-12 offers the endorsements in STEM, business and industry, arts and humanities, and multidisciplinary studies. TTU K-12 academic advisors will guide you through the endorsement selection process and help you choose an endorsement that best fits your interests and existing credits. You may change your endorsement at any time prior to graduation; however, you should be aware that changes to your endorsement could result in additional required course. See the Personal Graduation Plan Checklist for specific courses required for each endorsement.
  • All ninth and 10th graders must select an endorsement. After 10th grade, you may opt for the Foundation Plan only with parental consent.

Please contact a TTU K-12 senior academic advisor at ttuk12@ttu.edu for information on graduation plans. For additional graduation requirements, refer to the section on State and National Assessments.

Distinguished Level of Achievement

All students graduating from Texas Tech High School on the Foundation with Endorsement Graduation Plan will also earn the Distinguished Level of Achievement. This achievement allows you to compete for the top ten percent admissions at any Texas public university and positions you to be among those first in line for a TEXAS Grant, should you qualify financially.

  • Students admitted to Texas Tech High School as ninth graders will automatically be scheduled in courses to meet the Distinguished Level of Achievement.
  • More information on current Texas graduation requirements can be found on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website.


TTU K-12 celebrates graduates from the full-Time Diploma Program each year during the traditional graduation season. A schedule for upcoming graduation ceremonies can be found on the Graduation Preparation page on the TTU K-12 website. Graduating seniors should plan to complete their coursework and final exams at least two weeks in advance of the graduation date to ensure they are included in their desired graduating class. TTU K-12 Full-Time Diploma Program offers class rings, invitations, and caps and gowns through Herff Jones CompanyWest Texas Graduation Services

Contact them by phone at +1-806-744-7337, by fax to +1-806-744-1744, by email to info@westtexasgrad.com.

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