Texas Tech University

Threads of Tradition

Erlandson Collection of 18th and 19th Century Quilts

February 1 – August 17, 2025

Bridal Medallion Quilt c.1860

Lisa Erlandson has been fascinated with quilts and quilt history since the late 1980s. Introduced to needlework as a child, she rediscovered sewing and quilts while teaching high school theater arts. This led to a new career revolving around quilts as a lecturer, judge, and appraiser. Researching and saving the stories behind the quilts are of particular interest and importance to Lisa. She has contributed extensively to preserving and promoting the art of quilting through her service in numerous capacities to the American Quilt Study Group, including as their President. Hailing from West Texas, Mrs. Erlandson has decided that her collection of 450 quilts should be donated to the Museum of Texas Tech University. This gift will significantly expand the Museum’s holdings of 18th and early 19th-century quilts. Mrs. Erlandson continues to use her quilts in lectures and research, so most of the collection will come later. This selection of more than three dozen quilts is just the first of her extensive collection to come into the museum. Some on exhibit are on loan because she is still using them for lectures. The loaned quilts and others still in her home are promised gifts for the future.