Recent Alumni
Summer 2022
Spring 2022
Matthew Buchholz, PhD
Nathan Eldridge, MS
Owen George, MS
Mark Johnson, PhD
Sadie Roth, MS
Amanda Schmidt, MS
Summer 2021
Kathryn Brautigam, PhD
Tara Durboraw, MS
Charles Jacobs, MS
Manuel Silva, MS
Katheryn Watson, PhD
Rowdy White, MS
Spring 2021
Natalia Hamilton, MS
Christopher Miller, PhD
Kelton Mote, MS
Fall 2020
Brett Andersen, MS, Research Title: Influences of Habitat and Temperature on Winter Bat Assemblages
KR Vedolich, MS, Research Title: Small Mammal Response to Weather and Vegetation Structure in an Isolated Rangeland
Summer 2020
Jessica Holman, MS
Caroline Skidmore, MS, Research Title: Community Ecology of Riparian Avifauna and Nesting Riparian Raptors in the Trans Pecos Region of Texas
Yingbo Zhang, MS
Spring 2020
Joshua Haese, MS
Jordan Wagner, MS
Kelbi Delaune Trotter, PhD, Research Title: Aquatic Biodiversity in the Pecos River: Investigating Threats, Resources, and New Monitoring Methods
Fall 2019
Christopher Carter, MS, Research Title: Mesopredator Occurrence and Relationships with Natural and Anthropogenic Features in an Urban Area on the Southern High Plains of Texas
Courtney Jasik, MS, Research Title: Relationship Between Huisache (Acacia farnesiana) Canopy Cover and Understory Forage Characteristics in Texas Coastal Prairies
Courtney Ramsey, MS, Research Title: Pronghorn Fawn Survival, Bed-site Characteristics, and Adult Doe Habitat Selection in Southeastern New Mexico
Summer 2019
Kristen Heath, MS, Research Title: Population Trends and Connectivity of Snowy Plovers on the Southern Great Plains of Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma
Isaac Young, MS, Research Title: Influence of Predator Management on Northern Bobwhite Nest Success
Rebecca Perkins, PhD, Research Title: Impacts of Transmitter Weight and Attachment on Raptor Agility and Survival
Sean Yancey, PhD, Research Title: Translocation of Northern Bobwhites and Scaled Quail from South Texas to the Rolling Plains of Texas
Spring 2019
Drew Arnold, MS, Research Title: The Immunocompetence and Immunomodulation of Northern Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus)
Matthew Jackson, MS, Research Title: Evaluating the Effectiveness of UAV-Based Remote Sensing Systems to Detect Rangeland Plant Species in the Texas Panhandle
Jessica Mehta, MS, Research Title: An Examination of Juvenile Northern Bobwhite Survival and Movement Patterns During Late Summer and Early Fall on the Rolling Plains of Texas
James Reid, MS, Research Title: Effects of Predator Reduction on Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in the Rolling Plains of Texas
Emily Richardson, MS, Research Title: Salinity Adaptation in the Harmful Alga, Prymnesium parvum
Matthew Acre, PhD, Research Title: Assessing Demography, Habitat Use, and Flow Regime Effects on Spawning Migrations of Blue Sucker in the Lower Colorado River, Texas
Byron Buckley, PhD
Fall 2018
Cade Bowlin, MS, Research Title: An Evaluation of Coyote Diets on the Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch, Texas, Across La Niña versus El Niño Weather Patterns
Brian DeSanti, MS
Shea Mullican, MS, Research Title: Breeding Ecology of American Kestrels in the Llano Estacado of Texas
Summer 2018
Jessica Pease, PhD, Research Title: Variation and Plasticity and Their Interaction with Urbanization in Guadalupe Bass Populations On and Off the Edwards Plateau
Leobardo Richarte-Delgado, PhD, Research Title: Developmental Morphology Quantification and Biomass Response to Seasonal Defoliation of Short, Mid and Tall Grasses of North America
Spring 2018
Neil Estes, MS, Research Title: Distribution and Associated Arthropods of Native and Non-native Thistles in the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico, USA
Stephanie Freeman, MS, Research Title: Relationships of Structural Characteristics and Homeowner Socioeconomics with Urban Vegetation and Bird Communities
Yvonne Jimison, MS, Research Title: Influence of Smoke on Germination of
Southern High Plains Species
Jonathan Knudsen, MS, Research Title: Effects of Wildland Fire on Ant Community Structure and Colonization of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico, USA
Britt Smith, PhD, Research Title: Fire Ecology of Rangeland Arthropods in the Southern Great Plains
Fall 2017
Demi Gary, MS, Research Title: Examining the Southern Great Plains for Hotspots of At-risk Species and Assessing Efficacy of a Decision Support Tool
Sam Harryman, MS, Research Title: Understanding the Ecology of Lesser Prairie-Chickens in Conservation Reserve Program-Dominated Landscapes with Implications toward Lesser Prairie-Chicken Management in Texas
Tiffany Lane, MS, Research Title: Multi-scale Habitat Selection by Wintering Waterfowl on Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge
Colton Laws, MS, Research Title: Status and Long-Term Use of Artificial Escape Dens by Swift Foxes in Northwest Texas
Vaughn Smith, MS, Research Title: Near Real-Time Monitoring of Tropical
Dry Forests in North and Central America
Michael Whitson, MS, Research Title: Use of Moist-Soil Management Techniques for Wintering Waterfowl in Fallow Rice Fields on the Upper Texas Coast
Derek Wiley, MS, Research Title: Northern Bobwhite Reproduction in the Rolling Plains of Texas
Spring 2017
De Gao, PhD, Research title: Biogeography of herpetofaunas in the west indies and alien invasion
Olivia Kost, MS, Research title: Influences of grassland restoration and weather patterns on avian species within the coastal prairie ecoregion
Natasia Mitchell, MS, Research title: Assessment of golden eagles in the southern great plains and trans pecos regions
Aldo Sales, PhD, Research title: Seedling Development On Forage Grasses According To Seral Stage
Sasha Soto, MS, Research title: The consideration of biotype and other sub‐species organization to improve invasive species management
Fall 2016
Katie Guntly, MS, Research title: Black bear (Ursus americanus) movements, diet, and impacts on ungulate neonate survival on the National Rifle Association Whitington Center, New Mexico
Greg Pavur, MS, Research title: Status of mesocarnivores in an area occupied by a declining population of swift foxes, Vulpes velox, in northwestern Texas
Nicole Quintana, PhD, Research title: Predator-prey relationships between Rocky Mountain elk and black bears in Northern New Mexico
Daniel Raleigh, MS, Research title: Assessing Sandhill Crane overwintering resource use in western Texas using GIS and remote sensing
Allie Webb, MS, Research title: Bouteloua gracilis Competition with Salsola iberica in Shortgrass Prairie Rangelands
Wondu Whibesilassie, PhD, Research title: African Civets in Ethiopia: - Husbandry, Practice, Peoples' Perception and Knowledge, and Damage Analysis
Summer 2016
Hannah Ashbaugh, MS, Research title: Environmental Availability and Potential Influences of Heavy Metals on Snowy Plovers in the Southern Great Plains of Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma
Alix Godar, MS, Research title: Influence of Climate Change and Land Use on Lesser Prairie-Chicken Population Persistence in Sand Sagebrush and Short Grass Prairies
Cody Griffin, MS, Research title: Influence of Climate Change and Land Use on Lesser Prairie-Chicken Population Persistence in the Sand Shinnery Oak and Mixed-Grass Prairies
Erin Stukenholtz (Bohlender), MS, Research title: Hormone Concentrations, Vaginal Cytology And Diet: Variations During Reproduction In Seba's Short-Tailed Fruit Bat
Wade Massure, MS, Research title: Influence of Drought and Anthropogenic Flow Alterations on the Growth of Stream Fishes on the Edwards Plateau, Central Texas
John McLaughlin, MS, Research title: Effects of Broadcast Feeding at Multiple Rates on the Over-Winter and Annual Survival Rates of Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in the Rolling Plains of Texas
Kamal Humagain, PhD, Research title: Ecological Variation Among Vegetation Cover Types And Forest Stand Dynamics In The South-West Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
Spring 2016
Lisa Clark, MS, Research title: Waterfowl Use Assessment
Emily Conant, MS, Research title: Assessing pronghorn translocation success in New Mexico
Courtenay Conring, MS, Research title: Assessing the overwinter ecology of sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) in the Lower Colorado River Valley
Joseph Drake, MS, Research title: Evaluating landscape connectivity of desert waters for various wildlife species using network analysis
Morgan Gilbert, MS, Research title: Use of river-reservoir interface habitats by larval and juvenile fishes: Influence of lateral connectivity and multi-scale environmental conditions
Masi Mejia, MS, Research title: Minorities and their views on the Environment
Krista Mougey, PhD, Research title: Natural History, Ecology, and Conservation of the West Indian Stout Rock Iguana (Cyclura pinguis)
Fall 2015
Trevor Gicklhorn, MS, Research title: Assessing Wildlife Use of Artificial Water Sources in West Texas
Laurie Groen, MS, Research title: Swainson's Hawks
Yeong-Seok Jo, PhD, Research title: Conservation of Northeast Asian Mammals
Matthew McEwen, MS, Research title: Plant Succession on a Shortgrass Plains Ecosystem over a 17-year Period
Kristin Stacy, MS NT, Research title: Salamanders in the Lubbock water supply
Mark Thomas, MS, Research title: Survival and Movement of Parent-Reared Northern Bobwhite Quail in the Rolling Plains of Texas
Summer 2015
Jordan Calvert, MS, Research title: Factors influencing the frequency of visits to wildlife waters in the Sonoran Desert
Nicholas Goforth, MS, Research title: Effects of Wildfires on Activity Levels of Forest-Dwelling Bats on the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico
Katherine Leuenberger, MS, Research title: Urban birds compared to vegetation and house prices
Caleb Roberts, MS, Research title: The Responses of Elk and Vegetation to Forest Restoration in the Jemez Mountains
Kristina Young, MS, Research title: Human dimensions/uses of playas in urban areas and drought implications
Spring 2015
Kyle Brunson, MS
Nate Duncan, MS, Research title: Pronghorn population dynamics and habitat connectivity
Jessica East, MS, Research title: Aquatic foodweb structure along multi-scale environmental gradients in the Pecos River
Anthony Giordano, PhD, Research title: Status and population structure of jaguars (Panthera onca) in the Northern Paraguayan Chaco
Colleen Martin, MS, Research title: The effectiveness of curtailment on bat mortality and an assessment of bat and avian fatalities at Sheffield Wind Farm, Vermont
Anna Meyer, MS, Research title: The effects of disturbance ecology and land management on the Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum)
Grant Sorensen, PhD, Research title: Population Dynamics of Adult-Female Mule Deer in North-Central New Mexico
Fall 2014
Matt Bukin, MS NT
Qingman Chen, MS
Ryan DeVore, MS
Rachel Granberg, MS
Kristen Linner, MS
Jon McRoberts, PhD
Luis Tirado, MS NT
Department of Natural Resources Management
Goddard Building, Texas Tech University, Box 42125, Lubbock TX 79409 -
806.742.2841 -