MEMS Design
T. Dallas, R. Gale, and J. M. Berg
MEMS design at Texas Tech spans microfluidic devices to electrostatic micromirrors to complex mechanical systems. In our most recent effort, we have utilized Sandia National Laboratories' SUMMiT V design and visualization software tools in our MEMS course sequence to produce micro and nanoscale motion devices that have been fabricated at Sandia. Students designed polysilicon MEMS using a customized AutoCAD based layout system. Devices were constructed layer by layer using additive and subtractive processes along with sacrificial layers that are removed in the final processing step to release the moving structures. The 2.82 mm x 6.34 mm (18 mm2) module won a design competition held in the spring of 2005 by Sandia's MESA Institute. The module includes: a micro X-Y stage with AFM-like probe, a micro clock, a micro chain drive, and two types of micromirrors. Additional views and information on the devices can be found in presentations given at TEXMEMS VII (9/2005). Sandia's Torsional Ratcheting Actuators (TRAs) are used to drive the gear trains. ANSYS based finite element modeling was carried out on the micromirrors during their design. The fabricated devices will provide additional educational and research value by allowing numerous testing and characterization procedures to be carried out. This activity has just begun. This work illustrates an avenue for giving students a variety of educational and eventually research experiences on complex micro and nanoscale systems. In addition, it demonstrates the rapid MEMS prototyping capabilities of the SUMMiT fabrication system.
- smallTime - microClock Movie (7.3 MB)
- TEXMEMS VII Presentation: The 18 mm2 Classroom
- TEXMEMS VII Presentation: microChain
- microChain Movie - Probe tip manipulation (3.5 MB)
- TEXMEMS VII Presentation: microAFM
Research Support: Texas Tech TLTC, National Science Foundation
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