Texas Tech University

Departmental News

  • Petroleum Experts donates nodal analysis software.

    Petroleum Experts donates nodal analysis software.

    Petroleum Experts Ltd. donated 10 licenses for the Integrated Production Modeling (IPM) software for educational use by students and faculty in the Bob L. Herd Department of Petroleum Engineering. The equivalent value of the software donation is $3,816,620.08

  • Dr. James Sheng Receives Fullbright Scholarship

    Dr. James Sheng Receives Fullbright Scholarship

    Dr. James Sheng, professor in the Bob L. Herd Department of Petroleum Engineering, is one of six Texas Tech University faculty members to receive a Fullbright Scholarship for the 2021-22 year. Sheng will travel to Canada to research the feasibility and potential of oil recovery of carbon dioxide sequestration in oil reservoirs. Read more.

  • Dr. Marshall C. Watson Receives SPE Distinguished Membership from Society of Petroleum Engineers

    Dr. Marshall C. Watson Receives SPE Distinguished Membership from Society of Petroleum Engineers

    The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) recently honored Dr. Marshall C. Watson with SPE Distinguished Membership at SPE’s Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held 21 – 23 September in Dubai. Watson is being recognized for his tireless work for the profession, his huge impact in moving Texas Tech's petroleum engineering department forward, for leading the US Petroleum Engineering Department Heads and for his service on numerous SPE committees. Read more.

  • Dr. Marshall Watson Becomes International Society of Petroleum Engineering (SPE) Distinguished Member

    Dr. Marshall Watson Becomes International Society of Petroleum Engineering (SPE) Distinguished Member

    Established in 1983, the Distinguished Member award recognizes SPE members who achieve distinction deemed worthy of special recognition. This award acknowledges members who have attained eminence in the petroleum industry or the academic community, or who have made significant contributions to SPE.

  • Dr. Steven Henderson receives SPE SWNA Regional Distinguished Achievement Award

    Dr. Steven Henderson receives SPE SWNA Regional Distinguished Achievement Award

    Steven Henderson has been selected to receive the 2021 Society of Petroleum Engineers Southwestern Regional Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty.

  • Texas Tech University Remembers Bob L. Herd

    Texas Tech University Remembers Bob L. Herd

    Herd is remembered as a philanthropist and Texas Tech alumnus who valued education and supported those who came after him. Read the full story here.

  • Mr. Alberto Giussani received the 2019 Professing Excellence Award.

    Mr. Alberto Giussani received the 2019 Professing Excellence Award.

    Mr. Alberto Giussani received the 2019 Professing Excellence Award.

  • A team of petroleum engineering researchers from Texas Tech University visited NETL in Morgantown, West Virginia

    A team of petroleum engineering researchers from Texas Tech University visited NETL in Morgantown, West Virginia

    A team of petroleum engineering researchers from Texas Tech University visited NETL in Morgantown, West Virginia, to discuss potential collaborative efforts focused on technologies associated with recovery of oil and gas from the Permian Basin and carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, storage and use in enhanced oil recovery. view more.

  • Dr. James Sheng received the Distinguished Membership award from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) at the 2018 SPE Annual Meeting.

    Dr. James Sheng received the Distinguished Membership award from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) at the 2018 SPE Annual Meeting.

    Established in 1983, the Distinguished Member award recognizes SPE members who achieve distinction deemed worthy of special recognition. This award acknowledges members who have attained eminence in the petroleum industry or the academic community, or who have made significant contributions to SPE. This SPE International award is awarded to less than 1% SPE members.

  • Petroleum Engineering programs ranked in top 10 nationally

    Petroleum Engineering programs ranked in top 10 nationally

    In 2018 The Bob L. Herd Department of Petroleum Engineering Grad School Ranked 9th in Nation and the Undergraduate Program Ranked 4th in The Nation by U.S. News and World Report

  • The New Oilfield Technology Center (OTC)

    The New Oilfield Technology Center (OTC)

    Along with the teaching aids that OTC provides we are excited about the possibilities of using this facility for research. Several companies have already contacted us about our potential research or testing capabilities.

    Our combination shop/classroom/office building has been completed and the first lab session was held there on August 30, 2017. This facility provides space for students to view cut-away displays of oilfield equipment such as treating vessels, control valves, artificial lift and drilling equipment. Also inside is a forty foot long cut away model of a wellbore showing all of the components of a well from the pumping tee to the bottom hole sucker rod pump including the surface and production casing and the tubing and rod string.

  • Dr. Steven Henderson received the 2018 Professing Excellence Award.

    Dr. Steven Henderson received the 2018 Professing Excellence Award.

    Received the 2018 Professing Excellence Award. The award was presented by Texas Tech Student Housing

  • Dr.Sheng invited by Houston Geological Society

    Dr.Sheng invited by Houston Geological Society

    Dr. James Sheng was invited by Houston Geological Society (a Branch of AAPG) to give a presentation at the Annual Applied Geoscience Conference, March 7-8, 2017 at the Woodlands. The presentation title is: What Are We Doing about EOR in Shale and Tight Formations? .

  • Dr. Watson Visits D.C

    Dr. Watson Visits D.C

    Dr. Watson traveled to Washington DC and met with several congressmen Michael McCaul, representing the 10th District of Texas; Jodey Arrington, representing the 19th District of Texas; and Mike Conaway, representing the 11th District of Texas. Dr. Watson traveled with the Department Chairs of UT (Jon Olson) and A&M (A. Daniel Hill). view more

  • Celebrate Energy: Texas Tech`s Ties to the Oil Industry

    Celebrate Energy: Texas Tech`s Ties to the Oil Industry

    Texas Tech University is in the middle of oil country, and the ties with the industry run deep for the university. This video on YouTube highlights the new Petroleum Engineering Building and how Texas Tech continues to produce top-notch petroleum engineering graduates.