Texas Tech University

Advising & Registration

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Registration Information

What are the requirements to get into Petroleum Engineering

To be eligible for Petroleum Engineering, you must have a 3.0 GPA with 30+ hours and have completed the following with a ‘C' or better

For the students entering in Fall 2022 to be considered, you must have at least a 3.0 Texas Tech Institutional GPA and all of the foundational coursework completed.

Which Calculus, Physics, and Chemistry courses do I take?

Always visit with your advisor and ask questions before attempting coursework. For calculus, you are required to complete MATH 1451 (Calculus I) & MATH 1452 (Calculus II) with a grade of a ‘C' or higher. You are also required to complete PHYS 1408 (Calculus−based Physics I) with a ‘C' or higher and NOT PHYS 1401 (Physics for Non−Science Majors), PHYS 1403 (General Physics I), or PHYS 1404 (General Physics II) as there is a difference in the material and knowledge taught in the courses. Chemistry also has a specific course that is required for the degree. You must complete CHEM 1307 (Principles of Chemistry I) and CHEM 1107 (Principles of Chemistry I − Lab) with a ‘C' or higher and NOT CHEM 1305/1105 (Chemical Basics & Lab) or CHEM 1308/1108 (Principles of Chemistry II & Lab).

How does a course I have taken at another college/university transfer into the Petroleum Engineering program at Texas Tech University?

The Texas Tech University Office of the Registrar creates an automatic matching of courses. If you took ENGL 1301 somewhere else, then it should properly transfer. On the other hand, the specialization of petroleum engineering courses from different petroleum programs across the world is varied. As such, it can be difficult to properly match the course, as a whole, to an existing course offered at Texas Tech University. The faculty researches the course using web resources, but the course could have changed since you took it. The faculty may ask for additional information regarding the course you took. For some course transfers, we ask for syllabi, example work, or textbooks to help apply the transfer credit. This process can take some time and may require a number of interactions with you, the student, as this is a case−by−case basis.

For more help with transfer classes please use our Transfer Equivalency Guide.

Is the Petroleum Engineering program at Texas Tech University accredited by ABET?

The Petroleum Engineering BS program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org.

What courses will I be taking?

There is an approved curriculum for Petroleum Engineering. You can view the Undergraduate Catalog or visit our Curriculum & Courses page. Also, the curriculum could possibly change in the future, as this is normal for any degree. This is why knowing the catalog year in which you enter Texas Tech University is extremely important. If you have additional questions regarding the Petroleum Engineering program at Texas Tech University, please utilize the contact information listed above to get in contact with our undergraduate advisor.

Schedule an appointment at: appointments.ttu.edu