Enrollment and Degree Education Verifications
Verification of Degree or Enrollment (Companies/Organizations)
If you are a representative of a company or organization needing to verify a degree or enrollment for a student, you must submit a verification request via www.studentclearinghouse.org. Select the "Order—Track—Verify" tab for information and instructions. Contact the National Student Clearinghouse customer service center via the "Contact Us" link if you have any questions or concerns regarding your request.
Verification of Enrollment (Current Students)
Current students may request an enrollment verification through the National Student Clearinghouse under the Registration area of their MyTech tab on Raiderlink.
Verification of Degree (Current or Former Students)
If you are a student needing to verify your degree, please order an official transcript via Transcript Requests. Contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@ttu.edu if you have any questions or concerns.
Notarized Transcript or Diploma
If you require a notarized transcript or diploma, please see Notary Services for additional information.
Office of the Registrar
PO Box 45015, West Hall, Academic Records, Room 103, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-5015 -
806.742.3661 | Fax: 806.742.0355 -