Abuse and Neglect
Research activities must be compliant with applicable federal and state laws and university policies. The IRB and HRPP office expect all researchers to put the participant's well-being and safety first.
Abuse and Neglect of a Child, Elderly Individual or Adults with Disabilities
All TTU employees and students are required to report alleged or suspected abuse and neglect of a child, elderly individual, or adults with disabilities or impaired decision-making skills.
If the Research Topic is about Abuse and Neglect of a Child, Elderly Individual, Adults with Disabilities or Impaired Decision-Making Skills
If there is a reasonable expectation that the target population will disclose information about abuse and neglect while participating in the research, a plan for this circumstance must be included in the research protocol and informed consent. The research team will report alleged or suspected abuse and neglect to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. If the participant is in immediate threat, call 911.
Informed Consent Language
How are we protecting your privacy?
Your name will not be linked to any material in reports, publications or presentations. No one other than the researchers associated with this project will have access to the raw data. All related documentation will be stored in the researcher's locked office and on a password protected computer.
Adult Consent Form: The researcher(s) will not maintain as confidential, information about known or reasonably suspected incidents of abuse or neglect of a child, dependent adult or elder, including, but not limited to, physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse or neglect. If any researcher has or is given such information, he or she may be required to report it to the authorities.
Child/Impaired Decision-Making Assent Form: We will not tell anyone what you tell us without your permission unless there is something that could be dangerous to you or someone else. If you tell us that someone is or has been hurting you, we may have to tell that to people who are responsible for protecting you so they can make sure you are safe.
Debriefing Language
Must include a list of resources available to participants.
If the Research Topic is NOT about Abuse and Neglect of a Child, Elderly Individual, Adults with Disabilities or Impaired Decision-Making Skills
If a research participant discloses information triggering the need for mandatory reporting to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, this will constitute a reportable event to the HRPP office since it is an unanticipated incident. The Principal Investigator must complete an incident submission in Cayuse IRB within three days of learning of the issue and report the incident to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. If the participant is in immediate threat, call 911.
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
Human Research Protection Program
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Box 41075 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2064 -