Texas Tech University

Proposal Services

Proposals for extramural support for research, training, or other activities to be conducted by Texas Tech faculty, staff and students are required to be submitted through the TTU Office of Research Services. Texas Tech uses the Cayuse Electronic Research Administration System to submit proposals.

Proposal Review & Submission

  • Proposal Submissions & Deadlines - To ensure your proposal is comprehensively reviewed, adhere to the internal deadlines and procedures implemented by ORS.
  • Routing Proposals - To ensure that federal and state guidelines are met and that the intellectual and academic objectives of the university are maintained, all proposals for external funding must be reviewed at appropriate administrative levels prior to submission.
  • Signing Authority - The authorized institutional official for each type of award-related documents.

Frequently Required Data & Forms

  • Forms & Boilerplates - Forms like information change sheets, subrecipient forms, compliance forms, commercialization and federal relations forms, university and center boilerplates and budget, data management, and proposal boilerplates.
  • Institutional Data - Information needed for proposals, including employer identification numbers, signature authority and budgeting information.
  • OMB Uniform Guidance - The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) streamlines and supersedes guidance that was previously contained in eight different OMB Circulars. Included in the guidance are definitions, uniform administrative requirements (both pre- and post-award), cost principles, and audit requirements.


  • Proposal Checklist - These items should be considered in the preparation and review of proposals.
  • Proposal Format - While every agency has specific proposal guidelines that must be followed, we have provided general proposal format as a guide if there is no specific format instructions.
  • Data Management Plans - This library guide provides information faculty and staff can access for the development of their data management plans in coordination with the library or by using resources for independent creation.
  • Budget Development - The preparation of a budget is an important part of the proposal preparation process and should be considered as you are developing the project itself.
  • Frequently Required Proposal Data - A quick reference for proposal preparation.
  • Indirect Cost Rates (F&A) - Information about facilities and administrative (F&A) rates.



Office of Research Services