Forms & Boilerplates
Please Note: Forms are continuously updated. Check often to make sure you have the most current version.
Proposal Forms
Budget Template |
Information Change Sheet This form will not work in your browser. For Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, right click, "save link as" to save to your computer. For Safari, right click, "download linked file." |
Request for Reduction/Waiver of F&A This form will not work in your browser. For Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, right click, "save link as" to save to your computer. For Safari, right click, "download linked file." |
Subrecipient Form This form will not work in your browser. For Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, right click, "save link as" to save to your computer. For Safari, right click, "download linked file." |
Vendor/Subrecipient Checklist |
Information for Sponsors
Material Transfer Agreement |
Non-disclosure Agreement (2-way) |
Non-disclosure Agreement (1-way) |
Standard Agreement for Industry Sponsors |
Compliance Forms
Animal Care and Use |
IBC Biosafety Protocol Review Form This form will not work in your browser. For Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, right click, "save link as" to save to your computer. For Safari, right click, "download linked file." |
IBC Biosafety Protocol Review Form - Attachment A: Identification of Personnel Conducting Experiments This form will not work in your browser. For Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, right click, "save link as" to save to your computer. For Safari, right click, "download linked file." |
Financial Disclosure |
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) |
PI Certification on the Handling of Export-Controlled Information This form will not work in your browser. For Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, right click, "save link as" to save to your computer. For Safari, right click, "download linked file." |
TTU Record of Export Control Review |
Office of Research, Commercialization and Federal Relations
Invention Disclosure Form |
Non-disclosure Agreement (2-way) |
Budget Justification |
Data Management |
Proposal Boilerplate |
University Boilerplates | |
TTU Boilerplate |
Center for Biotechnology and Genomics Boilerplate |
Earl Survey Research Laboratory Boilerplate |
High Performance
Computing Center Boilerplate |
Texas Tech Neuroimaging Institute (TTNI) Boilerplate |
Office of Research Services
Texas Tech University, 2625 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3884 -