Texas Tech University

Student Rights and Responsibilities

After applying and being approved for reasonable academic accommodations, you need to be aware of your rights regarding these accommodations, as well as understanding your responsibilities as a student with accommodations.


It is your right to have your letter of accommodation (referred to hereafter as LOA) sent to any and all instructors via the Student Disability Services (secure) AIM online system. You may not need all accommodations for every class, but any professor you will need an accommodation from must receive the LOA.

It is your right not to use your LOA (or choose to have it sent to faculty) for any class during a semester. This does not affect your right to have accommodations for subsequent (future) semester.

It is your right to request adjustments to your LOA regarding the accommodations for which you are eligible. Additions to your LOA must be supported by appropriate documentation.

It is your right to have your disability kept confidential. Student Disability Services will not share information regarding your disability with faculty, staff, parents, or other entities without written permission. 

It is your right to have your approved accommodations provided free of charge, as mandated in the Americans with Disabilities Act. Student Disability Services will never charge you for accommodations.


The Code of Student Conduct is the standard of behavior expected of all Texas Tech students, both undergraduate and graduate. It is your responsibility, as a Texas Tech student, to comply with the TTU Student Handbook and the Code of Student Conduct. No disability excuses you from these rules and regulations; you will be held accountable for all portions of the Code of Student Conduct.

It is your responsibility to request your electronic LOA be sent to your faculty members each semester. It is also your responsibility to meet with each professor preferably during the first week of class, or within one week of receiving your Letter of Accommodation if it is during the semester, to review your LOA. If your class is face-to-face, you must meet with your professor face-to-face (preferably in office hours). If your class is online, you must discuss accommodation implementation in an email with your professor. The LOA becomes effective once the professor receives it and you have discussed needed accommodations. Accommodations are not retroactive.

It is your responsibility to report problems with professors who are not allowing accommodations to your Student Disability Services (SDS) counselor. This must be done during the semester the problem is occurring and not after grades have been given for the course. University policy states that instructors have 5 business days as a reasonable amount of time to implement the accommodations. If this does not occur, the student should contact a counselor in the SDS office immediately.

Accommodations received in a face-to-face classroom may not be the same as in an online setting. Online course accommodations may be limited due to the nature of the course. It is still your responsibility to discuss accommodation implementation with your faculty member in order to understand how the accommodation will be provided.

It is your responsibility to request LOAs through the online system each semester that you are going to need accommodations. If you decide to add/delete approved accommodations from your LOA, you will be able to make that choice online, or speak to your SDS counselor.

Study Abroad: Student Disability Services falls under the parameters of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please understand that the ADA does not apply overseas or outside U.S. borders. If you have questions, speak with your Student Disability Services counselor.

Attendance: Students' acceptance to Student Disability Services has no effect on class attendance. All students are required to follow class policy for attendance as outlined on the course syllabus. Although there is no blanket accommodation for missing classes, Student Disability Services will support you in working with the Dean of Students if there are issues that warrant an alteration in class attendance.


If you have supplemental note-taking assistance as an accommodation, you must attend class and be attentive in order to receive supplemental notes. You do not have the right to supplemental copies of notes from a class if you miss over ½ the class due to tardiness, or if you were absent from the class. Power Point slides and fill-in-the-blank note packets are approved supplemental note taking accommodations. Please remember, these are supplemental notes and you are required to take your own notes. If you do not attempt to take notes, you are not eligible to receive supplemental notes.

If you require an alternative test location or extra time on examinations, professors are able to choose to use the Academic Testing Services (ATS) office or to test you within the department. If the ATS office is chosen, then it is your responsibility to arrange for this accommodation through the Academic Testing Services office and follow their requirements. ATS is a separate department and has specific procedures that must be followed. Be sure to make note of due date for pink testing forms, and if you do not meet that deadline you will be ineligible to take your final in ATS. Additionally, you must communicate with faculty members in relation to coordination of testing, and your LOAs must be in place prior to testing with ATS. Confirm delivery of your test prior to testing time with the ATS office, and communicate test date/time changes. 

Books/Materials in Electronic Format:

If you need textbooks or other materials converted into an electronic version, it is your responsibility to provide SDS the information about your need at least one week prior to the reading due date. Students can also have instructors email documents directly to sds@ttu.edu. SDS staff will work with you to provide alternative ways to receive accessible texts. You can also provide your textbook along with proof of purchase, and fill out the scanning request for the department to scan/convert the text. Instructions for downloading the Kurzweil software, along with the Firefly app, can be found on the Student Disability Services website.

Interpreter Services:

Requests for interpreter services should be completed immediately following registration for classes to ensure this accommodation for the first day of class. Students MUST also request LOAs prior to interpreters being present in the classroom. Per the Interpreter Request Form, interpreters are available for meetings with instructors to discuss accommodations.

By signing below, you are aware of your Rights and Responsibilities, including student responsibility to monitor your TTU email for SDS alerts as well as other campus alerts. If you have problems in the accommodation process or delivery, please contact Student Disability Services immediately.

*This document is reviewed & signed during the initial intake meeting.*

Updated: 03/2019

Student Disability Services