Texas Tech University

How to Request and Receive Academic Accommodations


Students must request to receive accommodations due to disability need by completing the following process:

1. Apply and be accepted for admission to Texas Tech University through the standard admissions process.

2. Register with Student Disability Services.
NOTE: You must use your Texas Tech email account to apply for services.

3. Provide any relevant documentation that supports and/or explains the requested academic accommodations.

Mailing Address:

Student Disability Services

Box 45007

Lubbock TX 79409-5007

Phone: 806-742-2405

Fax: 806-742-4837

E-mail: sds@ttu.edu

4. Student must complete the initial intake meeting in order to receive Letters of Accommodation (LOA).

After the initial registration, students must renew their affiliation and request services at the beginning of each semester (through the completion of an LOA Request Form on the AIM System) to continue receiving services.

Register with Student Disability Services

Registering with Student Disability Services

It is the student's responsibility to make his/her accommodation needs known and to provide the appropriate documentation to support the need for the requested accommodations. Students are also responsible for renewing their affiliation and services with the Student Disability Services Office (SDS) each semester. It is important for students to remember that under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations are provided to ensure equal access. A student has the right to succeed or fail in a course based on his/her academic performance. College accommodations in no way guarantee a student success in a course.


Documentation can be submitted for review at any time during the year as long as the documentation is for a currently registered student or any incoming student that has accepted their offer of admission.

Note: All documentation provided to the Student Disability Services within the last 21 class days will be processed for the following semester. No exceptions will be made to this policy. It is the student's responsibility to apply for and obtain accommodations in a reasonable time frame within the semester.

Documentation submitted to Student Disability Services is confidential and used solely for the purpose of assisting students in identifying and securing accommodations and services to support their full participation at Texas Tech University. Affiliation with Student Disability Services is not reported on a student's transcript. Students should review the documentation guidelines for more information. Documentation can be mailed, emailed, faxed or delivered in person.

Once a Student Applies for Services:

Once a student's application is received along with any supporting documentation, it will be processed through the SDS office. The counselor will contact the student to schedule an initial intake meeting. During the initial intake meeting, the counselor will review the student's application and documentation and determine, in conjunction with the student, the academic accommodations supported by the provided documentation.

It is the SDS office's policy that our students are responsible for their success; therefore, the student is required to communicate with his/her counselor to schedule the initial intake appointment. Parents are not allowed to schedule intake meetings for a student, and are only permitted to attend portions of the student's initial intake meeting with the student's expressed consent.

During a student's initial intake meeting, the student will have the opportunity to select which approved accommodations he/she would like to use for the upcoming semester. Appropriate accommodations are determined by the counselor and the student based on the type of disability, documented needs, previous accommodations, and functional limitations of the student. The student has the opportunity to review these selections during the LOA request process each academic semester. SDS is also able to assist students with temporary disabling conditions (e.g. broken hand).

Housing & Dining Accommodations

Student Disability Services works closely with University Student Housing and Hospitality Services in order to provide students with accommodations within campus dining and housing facilities. If you need housing accommodations or adjustments to a dining plan, have your medical provider complete the Request for Housing and Dining Accommodations Form. You may also email Mindy Diller, the Campus Dietitian.

A student who presents sufficient evidence of an extreme medical condition, as documented by his/her treating physician, for which on-campus accommodations cannot reasonably be made, may be eligible to apply for a medical hardship off-campus request accommodation. In most cases, students with special medical needs can be accommodated on campus by changing rooms or hall, or by providing dietary consultation. If you need to apply for a medical hardship off-campus request accommodation, have your medical provider complete the Medical Hardship Off-Campus Request Form.

Priority Registration

Students registered with SDS are eligible for priority registration the semester following their enrollment for services. Currently enrolled students who are new to SDS will not have priority registration in the same semester in which they enroll, if enrolled after the first class day. Students must be currently enrolled to be eligible, so students who are returning to TTU after sitting out for any reason are not eligible for priority registration. Again, only currently enrolled students are permitted priority registration for the following registration term.

If you feel as if you are eligible for priority registration, yet your Raiderlink registration date does not reflect the priority registration date for the current semester, please email SDS for assistance.

Incoming students are not eligible until the semester following their Red Raider Orientation. SDS is not able to override a student into a course. Any hold on a student's account will prevent them from taking advantage of priority registration.

Academic Testing Services

Academic Testing Services (ATS) at Texas Tech works to ensure that appropriate testing accommodations are provided for students who are eligible for services. Specific information regarding ATS policies and procedures is provided to students during their initial intake meeting. While SDS and ATS work together closely, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that they have followed all applicable policies and procedures and met all stated ATS deadlines.

Sign Language Interpreters and CART Services

Student Disability Services offers sign language interpreter and Remote CART (real-time captioning) services for academic purposes to qualified students registered with the department. Students must apply for services, be accepted, and complete an intake prior to receiving services.


Students with disabilities who experience physical barriers on campus are encouraged to contact SDS for assistance.

Resources and Referrals

Although Student Disability Services does not offer disability evaluation and/or testing, transportation, assistance with personal expenses or personal attendants, SDS does provide resources and referral information.

Student Disability Services