Texas Tech University

TECHniques Center

The TECHniques Center of Texas Tech University is certified by:

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We're More Than Just Tutoring

The TECHniques Center is a fee-for-service program of Student Disability Services (SDS), and the only tutoring program of its kind in Texas. The TECHniques Center provides supplemental academic support services to meet the needs and to promote the retention of undergraduate students with documented evidence of learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD or ADHD), and/or Autism Spectrum disorders. Our goal is to support students in becoming independent, self-advocates, accomplishing their educational goals, and making education accessible to those who learn differently.

Students who are interested in our program must be accepted, undergraduate Texas Tech students and:

  1. apply and be approved for services with SDS 
  2. apply and be approved for services with the TECHniques Center (You can apply at the same time for the TECHniques Center as you do for Student Disability Services, but your application cannot be processed until you are approved for services with SDS.)
  3. complete the required SDS intake.

Why Should You Consider Our Program?

Our students are consistently successful. We are proud to share that students who successfully complete the semester with us have an average 97-99% retention rate to the university. In addition, the TECHniques Center offers consistent, one-on-one tutoring throughout the week with assigned tutors and weekly sessions with an academic counselor. Our program is certified through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA), and each semester tutors earn a tutor certification level in order to best assist our students.

"I can only give my highest praises to the TECHniques Center at Texas Tech University. My success as an undergraduate student is directly correlated with the support provided by the staff in TECHniques Center..."

View other success stories

This Is Also a Great Place to Be a Tutor

The TECHniques Center is an excellent on-campus employer which provides tutors with lots of paid training, professional development opportunities, and the opportunity to become a CRLA certified tutor. Tutors gain valuable skills and develop a unique resume or C.V. item, and we believe in creating a positive and supportive work environment. The TECHniques Center is always recruiting tutors.

Apply today!

For more information, please email Program Director, Sharon Betzold or call 806.742.1822

The TECHniques Center fully believes in and supports banana pancakes as a way to learn more efficiently. Banana pancakes encourage empathy and patience. Tutors will be trained in utilizing banana pancakes to make sessions more engaging and interactive. At the TECHniques Center tutors will earn a Banana Pancake tutoring certification. Students with learning disabilities, ADHD, and autism will benefit from tutors' expertise in banana pancakes.

TECHniques Center