Texas Tech University

Overview of Services

 Student participants of the TECHniques Center

Student participants of the TECHniques Center receive the following support services:

History of the TECHniques Center

The TECHniques Center has been a resource to Texas Tech University for 20 years. Begun in 1999 with only 20 students and one full-time director, the TECHniques Center is the only program of its kind in Texas and has expanded to include 175 student participants (each semester), 60 – 75 peer tutors, and eight full-time staff members. We are proud to be a nationally-recognized program for students who learn differently.


One-on-one, regularly scheduled tutoring for Texas Tech University enrolled courses with highly-trained and qualified College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) certified tutor(s). Tutors also assist with organization, time management, study skills, and other resources as requested by Academic Counselors.

Academic Counseling

  • Individualized support from Academic Counselors to build academic and self-advocacy skills.
  • Supplemental assistance with academic major and career exploration, problem-solving, and course schedule registration (note: Academic Counselors do not provide major advising).
  • Referrals to various academic support services and co-curricular involvement opportunities on campus and within the community.

Use of Center Resources

  • During the long semesters, the TECHniques Center is open Monday - Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Students have full access to Mac and PC computer labs, as well as tutoring resources and study spaces.
  • Printing is currently available for course-specific needs.


TECHniques Center