Texas Tech University


The Department of Computer Science has research programs in a variety of areas. Please check out research groups listed below, or you can view our individual faculty member pages here.

AdVanced Empirical Software Testing and Analysis (AVESTA)


Principal Investigator:Dr. Akbar Siami Namin
Email: Akbar.Namin@ttu.edu
Phone: 325.677.1112

The AdVanced Empirical Software Testing and Analysis (AVESTA) research group focuses on conducting research in software testing, empirical software engineering, and application of statistical analysis to program analysis. The group is founded in the Computer Science Department at Texas Tech University August 2009.

Center for the Science and Engineering of Cyber Security



The objective of the center is to study principles of Cyber Security, how to measure, assess and enforce security in legacy systems, and how to build new systems that are secured. The science of Cyber Security is addressed by exploiting formal techniques that are theoretically grounded to express, model and reason about security accurately. The engineering of cyber security utilizes empirical techniques that aim to create holistic and systematic approaches to development of automated tools for cyber security system analysis. The center also examines cyber security issues facing the general public such as security in business enterprises, health care and national infrastructures.

Data-Intensive Scalable Computing Laboratory (DISCL)


Principal Investigator: Dr. Yong Chen
Email: Yong.Chen@ttu.edu
Phone: 806.834.0284

The Data-Intensive Scalable Computing Laboratory (DISCL) at the Texas Tech University has broad research interests in parallel and distributed computing, high-performance computing, Cloud computing, computer architectures and systems software with a focus on building scalable computing systems for data-intensive applications in high-performance scientific computing/high-end enterprise computing.

KR Lab


Principal Investigator: Dr. Michael Gelfond
Email: Michael.Gelfond@ttu.edu
Phone: 806.742.3519

This research group is a reincarnation of the El Paso Knowledge Representation Group, which found a new home at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. Our main goal is to better understand how to build software components of agents capable of reasoning and acting in changing environment. We work under the basic assumption that to exhibit intelligent behavior the agent should have a mathematical model of its environment and its own capabilities and goals. At this stage we are especially interested in "purely logical agents," i.e. agents whose underlying world model is defined by a theory in some logical language. Our current goal is to investigate if A-Prolog (the language of logic programs under the answer sets semantics) can be successfully used for this purpose.

NSF Cloud and Autonomic Computing (CAC) Center

NSF Cloud and Autonomic Computing (CAC) Center

Principal Investigator: Dr. Yong Chen
Email: Yong.Chen@ttu.edu
Phone: 806.834.0284

The overall mission of the CAC Center is to pursue fundamental research and development in cloud and autonomic computing in collaobraiton with industry and government partners. The technical scope of the Center's activities includes design and evaluation methods, algorithms, architectures, software, and mathematical foundations for advacned distributed and automated computing systems. Solutions are studied for different levels including the hardware, networks, storage, middleware, services, and information layers. The CAC Center is supported through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) program

TTU Wireless Mobile Networking Laboratory (T2WISTOR)


Principal Investigator: Dr. Sunho Lim
Email: sunho.lim@ttu.edu
Phone: 806.742.3527

In the TTU Wireless Mobile Networking Laboratory (T2WISTOR), we are conducting research in the areas of Green Networking (Energy Harvesting/Routing/MAC), Mobile Data Management (Data Dissemination/Query/Caching), Embedded Networked Systems (Ad Hoc/Sensor/Vehicular), and Mobile Software (Google Android).