Texas Tech University

Rashid B. Al-Hmoud, Ph.D

Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Economics

Email: rashid.al-hmoud@ttu.edu

Phone: 806.834.2732

Faculty Office: 236 Holden Hall

Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas 79409-1014



Ph.D., Economics, Texas Tech University, 1994
M.A., Economics, Texas Tech University, 1992 
B.Sc., Economics and Statistics, The University of Jordan, 1991

Research Interests

Environmental and natural resources economics. Economics education.

Courses Offered

ECO 2301: Principles of Economics I
ECO 2302: Principles of Economics II
ECO 3312: Intermediate Economic Theory
ECO 3311: Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 3312: Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 3333: International Economics
ECO 4332: International Finance
ECO 4334: Economics of Growth and Development
ECO 5317: Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
ECO 5310: Price and Income Theory

Selected Publications

Williams, Ryan and Al-Hmoud, R. (2015).  "Virtual Water on the Southern High Plains of Texas:  The Case of a nonrenewable Blue Water Resources".  Natural Resources, 6(1):27-36.  http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/nr.2015.61004.

Al-Hmoud, Rashid and Jeffrey Edwards (2005).  "Water Poverty and Private Investment in the Water and Sanitation Sector."  WaterInternational, Vol.30, No. 3., pp. 350-355.

Edwards, Jeffrey, Rashid Al-Hmoud, and Benhua Yang (2005).  "Water Availability and Economic Development--Signs of the Invisible Hand?  An Empirical Look at the Falkenmark Index and Macroeconomic Development."  Natural Resources Journal, Vol.45, No.4, pp 953-978.

Edwards, Jeffrey and Rashid Al-Hmoud (2004).  "Aids Mortality and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Analysis Using Income-Stratified Data.", Southwestern Journal of Economics, Vol. VI, No.2, pp. 140-158.

Al-Hmoud, Rashid and Jeffrey Edwards (2004).  "a means to an End: Studying the Existing Environment for Private Sector Participation in Water and Sanitation Sector."  The International Journal of Water Resources Development; Vol.20, No.4, pp.507-522.

Al-Hmoud, Rashid (2004).  "Managing Water in Developing Countries:  A Private Sector Participation Approach."  Forum of theAssociation of Arid Lands Studies; Vol. 20, pp.29-38.

Al-Hmoud, Rashid (2002).  "Evaluating Water Markets in the Texas High Plains." Forum of the Association for Arid Lands Studies." Vol. 18, pp 23-29.

Al-Hmoud, Rashid (2000).  "Estimation the Value of Groundwater in the High Plains of Texas," Southwestern Journal of Economics, Vol.III, No.2., pp 71-87.