Human Sciences Staff Member Selected for Texas Tech Matador AwardDec 16, 2019 The Matador Award recognizes individuals with one to three years of service at Texas Techtags: Hrm, HS Staff
Texas Tech Announces New Life Centered Financial Planning CurriculumDec 16, 2019 First Student Completes Non-Degree Seeking Certificate Programtags: Pfp, Personal Financial Planning
Designing for Dementia Care: Application of Educational PhilosophySep 27, 2019 Texas Tech University Interior Design students create dementia care project with New Mexico design firmtags: HS Undergraduate, HS Faculty, Dod, Interior Design
Table 12 Tradition Brings Collaboration and Friendship to Human Sciences FacultySep 18, 2019 What started as a simple faculty workshop activity grew to become an honored tradition for faculty members to learn and grow alongside one anothertags: HS Faculty