Texas Tech University

Three Ways to Save Money as a College Student

Katherine Wilson

July 1, 2021

3 Ways to Save Money as a College Student

Discover how you can be financially responsible before graduating from college

For many students, going off to college is their first time being financially responsible for themselves. An essential skill to learn when living on your own is being able to navigate financial decisions. Here are three ways to save money while in college. 

1. Minimize expenses on school supplies. Many companies offer a student discount, and individuals should take advantage of the opportunities. Another way students can reduce money spending is by looking for alternative ways to purchase textbooks, such as borrowing instead. 
2. Students can reduce spending money on food by eating out less. Takeout food adds up over time, and it is important to begin learning how to cook. Individuals who have cooking skills are not only saving money by prepping meals but are also able to gain a healthier lifestyle. 
3. Texas Tech's student organization, Red to Black, offers students financial resources. Red to Black is a student led program that offers students the opportunity to have coaching sessions on financial situations. The organization covers many topics during one-on-one sessions, such as coming up with a spending plan, credit scores,  and student loans. 

Read more about the student organization, Red to Black: https://bit.ly/3y63XHS