Texas Tech University

Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering

 Credit Hours
Bachelor's Degree
Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering


About the Program

Master of Science with Thesis

The master's program requires a minimum of 30 graduate credit hours above the baccalaureate degree, including 6 credit hours allowed for the thesis. The department graduate advisor will meet, advise, and approve courses for the degree each semester. A written thesis is required for the master's degree. In addition, the candidate's thesis committee will administer a final oral exam in defense of the completed thesis.

Master of Science without Thesis

The department also offers a nonthesis master's program that requires a minimum of 33 graduate credit hours approved by the graduate advisor (excluding seminar). The graduate program for nonthesis master's candidate is specifically tailored for that candidate's educational background, industry experience, and individual interest.

For both the thesis and the nonthesis programs, a final comprehensive examination is required. The policy governing the comprehensive examination is available with the departmental graduate advisor. Comprehensive examinations are given only after the graduate dean has admitted the students to candidacy.

Visit the program website for more details.

Program Website

Some programs may require you to come to the main campus or regional site for a course or activity. Make sure and check with the Department/Program Advisor to ensure you are able to meet the programs' requirements before you apply. Visit the program website for more details.

While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in reporting courses, policies, and other statements within this website, Texas Tech University reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. For the most up-to-date information, please contact your advisor.