Checklist & Frequently Asked Questions
Event Planning Questionnaire
- What is the goal of the event?
- Who is the audience?
- How many people are you inviting?
- How many do you expect to attend?
- How will your audience benefit from attending the event?
- What promotional vehicles (invitation, flyers, e-mail, etc.) work best to inform your audience about the event?
- What kinds of resources will you need (audio-visual, microphones, etc)?
- Will you serve food/refreshments?
- What messages will you use to promote the event?
- Do the messages support the organization's key themes and messages?
- How will you know if the event succeeded in meeting the goal?
- Do you plan to have an evaluation form?
Event Planning Checklist (What to do before the event)
- Complete all components of the Event Planning Questionnaire.
- Determine program, activities, agenda.
- Invite guest speakers, presenters.
- Arrange for facilities (based on estimated numbers and set-up needs).
- Compile mailing list.
- Write, produce promotional materials (invitations, posters/flyers, brochures, etc.)
- Determine distribution of promotional materials (1st class vs. bulk vs. campus mail).
- Arrange for mailing services (collating/inserting, labeling, sorting, etc.)—make sure to provide advance notice so that you meet your deadlines.
- Arrange for food/refreshment needs—be sure to address special needs of guests (to accommodate allergies, diabetes, vegetarian diets, etc.).
- Arrange for other logistics—custodial before and after the event, waste management, audio-visual, flowers/plants, giveaway items, banners/podiums, parking arrangements.
- Prepare day-of-event materials—write and produce the program, nametags, and program evaluation.
- Send guests a confirmation letter detailing the specifics—date, time, location, parking, etc.; include event tickets and/or registration materials.
What to do at the event
- Set up registration and/or welcoming area.
- Make sure tables are set, seating assignments made, place cards and/or nametags put out.
- Make sure all signage is up, equipment is working.
- Monitor food service.
- Make sure all speakers/presenters are present, aware of agenda.
- Monitor program; make sure timeline is met.
What to do after the event
- Make sure foodservice is cleared.
- Pack up and return all materials (banners, equipment, leftover print materials, etc.).
- Send thank-you notes to those who provided special services and to those who attended.
- Debrief appropriate staff members on the event.
- Make sure attendees are coded on the database
- Prepare any post-event publicity—photos/copy for newsletters/newspaper
Top Tier Catering
Texas Tech University, Box 42184, Wiggins Complex / 3211 18th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.1966 -