We are excited to launch our new TrUE Partners, Affiliates, and Liaisons (PALs) initiative! Serving undergraduate students from across the Texas Tech community is a huge job. As we work to bring together stakeholders and advocates from a wide range of academic, student support, and administrative units, we hope to use PALs as a means for streamlining communications and sparking new synergies! We invite you to learn about all the ways you can join in this work at the links below!
TrUE Partners are TTU departments and programs (both institutionally and externally funded) who collaborate with TrUE to develop, sustain, and/or facilitate transformative undergraduate experiences. Together, the TrUE Partners network is working to collaboratively achieve TrUE's mission of ensuring that every Texas Tech undergraduate student engages in transformative learning experiences in their time at TTU. |
TrUE Affiliated staff, faculty, and external researchers are leaders in the work of creating and scaling transformative opportunities for Texas Tech undergraduate students. Affiliates collaborate with TrUE staff to develop and execute high-impact educational experiences such as the TrUE Scholars, externally funded grant programs, and the Undergraduate Research Conference. |
TrUE Liaisons act as our first-line connection to the rest of the Texas Tech community. Serving on 2-year rotations, liaisons agree to attend quarterly meetings with the TrUE staff, help the TrUE team identify transformative opportunities for undergraduates from across the University, and act as relays back to their home units. |
Center for Transformative Undergraduate Experiences
TrUE, Drane Hall #239, MS 1010 -
806.742.1095 -