Texas Tech University

URC Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in attending the TTU Undergraduate Research Conference (TTU URC). Please review the following questions to assist in answering any additional conference related questions you may have.

Can I present my research if it is not currently completed?

Research projects may still be in progress at the time of abstract submission. It is not necessary to have final results or conclusions at the time of presentation. We recommend that you discuss your project with your faculty mentor to confirm your project will be ready for presenting in a poster format by the conference date.

Can I submit more than one abstract?

Due to space limitations, each undergraduate researcher is encouraged to only submit one abstract for consideration to the TTU URC. Multiple abstract submissions will only be considered in special circumstances and with pre-approval from the Center for Transformative Undergraduate Experiences.

Can I have a co-presenter?

No, each person must present individually. If multiple people worked on the project they can all present on it, but must do so individually. Each person must submit an abstract to present. We expect their abstracts to be similar, but they cannot submit the same abstract multiple times.

Who can present during the Conference?

All undergraduate students currently enrolled at an institution of higher education are eligible to present at the conference. 

What is a poster presentation?

A poster presentation is a visual display of your work where you will interact with conference participants in a large group setting. Conference posters should be 4'x4' or smaller.

Can I attend part of the conference?

Registered attendees are invited, but not required, to participate in as many conference activities as desired. 

What are the expectations for conference presenters?

Presenters will be expected to stand with their posters throughout their entire session. Business casual or business professional dress is recommended for presentations and throughout the conference. 

May my family and friends attend?

Family and friends are welcome to attend the conference. However, guests that would like to participate in any RSVP events will need to register for the conference.

Who will be reviewing my presentation?

Faculty, staff, and graduate students from the TTU system may serve as a reviewer. Those interested in serving as a reviewer should complete the reviewer registration form.

Can students submit abstracts with preliminary findings?

Preliminary findings are fine – we accept posters for research in all stages.

What is the rubric for reviewing conference abstracts from TrUE?

See this page to review the URC Rubric

Is it okay for students working on the same research project submitting the same abstract title and content in their own individual submission? Will it be considered as plagiarism?

We encourage each student to compose their own abstract, but we absolutely understand that multiple students may be literally working on the same activities in some research groups. We will not be rejecting abstracts for plagiarizing another submission to our conference.

Is it okay for students to submit the same conference abstracts, which they have submitted to another national conference (under review)?

We don’t have any prohibitions against submitting abstracts that are already under review elsewhere—just please make sure that presenting at our conference under that abstract won’t open them up to any issues with their outside presentation/publication opportunities.

Is poster presentation the only format? Can students do paper presentation?

Our spring conference is only poster presentations. We have a fall symposium where students have an opportunity to give short oral presentations that more closely mirror paper sessions.

Will accepted students be assigned with timeslots to present? If so, how long is that?

Poster sessions are 90 minutes long. This year, we will have sessions on Tuesday, April 1, and Wednesday, April 2. Please note that due to the size of the conference, we cannot accept student requests for particular days/sessions.

Will the students presenting get a letter of excused absense

We will provide each student with a letter from the Office of the Provost designating any absences for presenting at the conference as excused absences for an official TTU activity.

Where will the URC be held?

This year the URC will be at the Museum of Texas Tech University. Stay tuned for parking information.