Texas Tech University

Symposium Image

October 20-21, 2023

abstract Directory

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The 2nd Annual Symposium will bring undergraduates & faculty together to showcase their work in transformative experiences here at Texas Tech University. The Symposium will be held October 20-21, 2023 in the TTU Student Union Building (SUB). 

The sessions during the Symposium will focus on giving students the opportunity to articulate the impact of their projects and hone their skills in communicating their projects to a non-expert audience in a 3-min Impact Talk.

TrUE Transformers, TTU faculty who received funding through the Helen Jones Foundation, will also be showcasing their work through a 3-min Impact Talk session and displaying a poster. 

September 14th @11:59pm

Abstract Deadline

September 24th @11:59pm

Faculty Mentor Approval Deadline

October 6th @11:59pm

Impact Slide Deadline

October 20th

Impact Talk Prelims

October 21st

Impact Talk Finals

Click here to view the Fall 2023 Winners!