Info for Presenters
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Abstract content and format can vary between disciplines. The best source of support as you prepare your abstract is your faculty mentor! Remember, they will have to approve the abstract for it to be accepted to the Conference.
- Only one presenter will be allowed per abstract. Multiple presenters from the same project are allowed (actually encouraged!), but each student must submit a separate abstract.
- All formatting and special characters (e.g., scientific symbols) will not be processed by the form. Your abstract text should be in plain text format.
- There is no minimum size for an abstract, but the main text, which should NOT include author and title information, may be no longer than 2000 characters.
- The author information will be entered on a separate part of the registration form. Do not add as part of the abstract.
- The abstract submission form is timed (45 mins). We strongly encourage applicants to compose their abstracts beforehand to ensure they have ample time to complete and review them before submitting.
- Be sure to review our Impact Area review rubrics before you prepare your submission! You will need to select an appropriate Impact Area.
Impact Areas
The TTU URC is an interdisciplinary conference at its heart. Work from all disciplines is welcome, and we recruit reviewers from across the Texas Tech community. This means that presenters often engage with reviewers and attendees from disciplines far outside their own. To facilitate meaningful interactions and ensure that reviewers are positioned to still offer helpful feedback, we have adopted an impact area framework.
Based on feedback from previous years, our 2025 list of Impact Areas has been updated.
Presenters should prepare to present their work to a lay audience with a focus on articulating how they are making an impact through their project. It is up to each presenter to frame "impact" in the most compelling way. We often see students describing how their work is making a cultural or societal impact. It can also be as simple as making a case for how a project is making an impact on the state of knowledge in a particular academic field.
In recognition of our impact area framework, presenters are asked to select an appropriate category from the following list for their project:
- Agriculture
- Creativity & Culture
- Energy
- Enviornment
- Health
- Learning
- Life
- Society
- Technology
- Well Being
It is important to be thoughtful in selecting an impact area because our LEDA Outstanding Presenter Awards are selected from these pools. We expect to award financial prizes for first, second, and third places in each of the above impact areas.
Poster Guidelines
Poster presentations are printed displays that must be prepared and printed in advance. They may not include exhibits of models, devices or computer programs. Paper and supplies are not provided.
Please note: TrUE does not have a poster printer and is not able to cover the cost of poster printing.
Poster presentation sessions are typically ninety minutes in length. Presenters must be available to discuss their displays during the entirety of their assigned session.
Poster Display
- Posters should be 42"X42" (recommended) but should not exceed 44"X44".
- Poster presentation sessions take place in the Museum of Texas Tech University.
- Presenters should arrive during their assigned poster set-up time. This will allow ample time to find their assigned location and hang their posters.
- Each presenter is provided with a 4' x 4' section on one side of a freestanding fabric display board and pins with which they can attach the poster to the board.
- Posters should be readable from at least three feet away.
- Posters should be taken down during the assigned poster take-down period.
- Convenient places on campus for printing posters below:
Take full advantage of the rubric being provided; as it will be the exact rubric you will be judged on at the 2025 URC. Use the rubric to build your presentation and poster to give you the best advantage!
Conflicts with Religious Holidays
If the Undergraduate Research Conference falls on a religious holiday (e.g. Eid ul Fitr), impacted students are invited to contact us to arrange an alternative opportunity to present their project poster.
Center for Transformative Undergraduate Experiences
TrUE, Drane Hall #239, MS 1010 -
806.742.1095 -