Texas Tech University

Current Members

Lauren AkersName: Lauren Akers
Major: Agricultural Communications
Classification: Freshman
Hometown: Abernathy, Texas
Extracurricular Activities: Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT), Ag Council, Alpha Phi Sorority
Hobbies: Intermural Basketball, Going to Tech Sporting Events and Texas Country Concerts
Plans After College: Become a sports reporter
Favorite Thing About Davis College/TTU: Faculty Advising, there is just something special about getting to sit one on one with a professor who knows the classes better than anyone. You get to know them on a more personal level, which makes the whole college feel like family.
Advice for Future Students: Live in the dorms and if possible the Learning Community. There is no way that I would have had as much fun as I have had if I had not of met the girls I did in the dorms. Sure, we would have eventually met because we had classes, but because we were all in the dorms, it was as if I had built in friends who liked a lot of the same things as me.