Texas Tech University

Current Members

Name: Hannah Alto  
Major: Agricultural Communications, Agricultural Education  
Classification: Senior  
Hometown: McKinleyville, CA   
Extracurricular Activities:  Officer and member of ACT, member of Texas Tech Cattlemen's Association, Treasurer of Davis College Agricultural Council.   

 Hobbies: I love to travel to new places and go to concerts with my friends

Plans After College: I aspire to work in a position that has to do with personal relations and education within cattle associations.   

Favorite Thing About Davis College/TTU: Davis college is truly a family you have forever. The support and opportunities you receive from the Davis College is unmatched. There is also nothing better than cheering each other on whether it be career oriented or at a Tech game and that is an atmosphere one cannot replace.

Advice for Future Students: Stressing over an exam just makes the experience worse and do not forget to always make memories where you can.