Texas Tech University


Data Projects

Primary Areas

Primary Areas of Focus for FY23

The Data Management Division, through coordination with the Data Governance Board and Data Stewardship Council, have identified Data Quality, Data Literacy and Data Project Management as the primary areas of focus for FY23.

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Current Projects

Data Governance project teams are currently working to finalize high priority issues and projects received in FY22 through the Data Stewardship Council and Data Governance Board. Most active projects are directly or indirectly related to Data Quality.

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Need Our Services?

DMFR is here and eager to support the growing data and technology needs of the University. Our services include training, report writing, data delivery, data presentation, web development, and much more. Should you have any questions of how DMFR might assist your department, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at dmfr.support@ttu.edu

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Uncommitted Encumbrances

All uncommitted encumbrances that are open at the end of the fiscal year will automatically roll into the new fiscal year. The amount of the remaining encumbrance will encumber in the new year and a budget adjustment will also increase the budget in the new fiscal year. This Encumbrance Roll takes place on 09/11 of the new fiscal year.

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FI002 – Revenue Expense Budget Pools by FOP

Use this report to view budget details at the budget pool level for FOP(s) that you are maintaining. The report can be executed at both the Fund and Organization level, by both Fund and Organization Manager, and by FOP as well. This provides your budget starting point for the fiscal year. This report can be executed by Fiscal Period or for all periods, by choosing Period 14. Most often it is executed by selecting Period 14 to capture any future dated events.


Administration & Finance