Texas Tech Police
In accordance with the guidelines established by Texas Tech University, the Texas Tech University Fire Marshal, and pursuant to the federal law 34 CFR 668.49(b), all currently enrolled students, campus employees and all prospective students and prospective employees of Texas Tech University are entitled to request and receive a copy of the Annual Campus Fire Safety Report.
The report contains statistics about the number of fires in on-campus housing, the cause of each fire, the number of injuries and deaths, and the value of property damaged. The report also includes a description of fire systems, the number of fire drills, evacuation procedures, education and training programs, future plans for fire safety improvements, and the institutions policies on appliances, smoking, open flames, and other potential hazards.
All students enrolled at Texas Tech University will receive notification through electronic mail and student portals featuring the exact website address for the current Fire Safety Report. Faculty and staff will also be notified electronically through the TechAnnounce email system. Parents will receive notification through a newsletter published by Parent & Family Relations. An advertisement containing information about how to access the report will run in The Daily Toreador for one week. Additional notices will be posted in common areas in campus buildings that are frequented by faculty, staff, students and visitors.
To download an electronic copy of the most current Fire Safety Report, click the
following link:
Annual Fire Safety Report
TTU Fire and Life Safety Program
You may also request that a copy be sent to you via E-mail or U.S. Postal mail by contacting the Texas Tech Fire Marshal at 806-742-0146 or the Texas Tech Police Department at 806-742-3931 during normal business hours, 8AM -5PM, Monday thru Friday. Copies may also be requested from University Student Housing at 806-742-2661 or by e-mailing: fire.safety@ttu.edu or housing@ttu.edu or police@ttu.edu
Phone Numbers
- Emergency: 911
- Non-emergency: 806-742-3931
TTPD Contact Info
- TTPD Lubbock Personnel
- TTPD Abilene Personnel
- TTPD Amarillo Personnel
- TTPD Dallas Personnel
- TTPD Permian Basin Personnel
TTUS Component Police Departments
- National Terrorism Advisory System
Texas Tech Police Department
413 Flint Avenue Lubbock, Texas 79415 -
806.742.3931 -