Texas Tech University

Crime Prevention Tips

Below you will find some helpful information to keep you and your property safe while you are on the Texas Tech University or Texas Tech Health Science Center campus.


Bicycle Security

Purchase a high tensile strength locking system with a U-Lock device or similar proven device. If you make it hard on the thief, they may simply move on to an easier target.

Ensure that you secure your lock to the rack and the bicycle frame, not just the wheel. Securing the bicycle to itself is not a good idea because the thief could simply walk off with the bicycle.

Register your bicycle with Transportation and Parking Services. So if you become a victim of bicycle theft, we will have the information on the bicycle to enter into the nation wide computer system. This gives you a better chance of recovering your stolen property.

Become active in Operation ID. The Texas Tech Police Department will engrave your drivers license or R number on the bicycle. This is a free service.

Make frequent checks on your bicycle to ensure it is still there. Further, make note of any suspicious persons loitering around bicycle racks and report these people to the Texas Tech Police Department immediately.

If you witness someone taking a bicycle that does not belong to them, do not attempt to physically intercept these suspects. Make notes as to the appearance and direction of travel. Report this to the Texas Tech Police Department immediately.

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Theft Prevention


Do not leave your textbooks unattended in classrooms, cafeterias, hallways, or anywhere else.

Secure the textbooks in a locked compartment such as a locker, desk drawer or vehicle trunk.

Lock your residence hall room door or classroom door when you leave; textbooks are often stolen from these places.

Mark your textbook with your R number on a specific page of the textbook and keep a record of it.

Mark your name on your book in a prominent place: cover, outer edge of pages, inside the cover, etc.

Report all textbook thefts immediately to the Texas Tech Police Department and to the local bookstores. By doing so, you can enhance your chances of recovering your textbook.

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Laptop computers

Mark or engrave your laptop computer with your driver license or R number. The Texas Tech Police Department provides this free service.

Place a lock on your computer. The lock prevents the removal of your laptop from your workstation. There are many types of locking devices on the market today that you can purchase.

Keep your laptop computer secured in a locked desk or filing cabinet when not in use or unattended.

Report any suspicious activity in your work area to the Texas Tech Police Department at 743-2000 or 742-3931.

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Prevention of Identity Theft or Fraud

Limit the amount of confidential or personal information you carry in your wallet or purse. Do not carry bank account numbers, personal identification numbers (PINs), passports, birth certificates or Social Security cards.

Avoid carrying more blank checks than you actually need. A criminal can fraudulently use the sensitive information often pre-printed on your checks (address, bank account number, and telephone number). Do not have your Social Security number pre-printed on your checks.

Keep good backup information about your accounts, in case your wallet or purse is lost or stolen.

Never provide personal information (Social Security number, credit card number, address, etc.) over the telephone unless you initiate the call and are familiar or acquainted with the business.

Destroy – preferably shred – credit card applications you receive in the mail and don’t use.

Review your credit card bills and your checking account statements as soon as they are received, to ensure that no fraudulent activity has taken place.

Obtain a copy of your credit report at least once a year to check for errors.

Be careful at ATM’s and using phone cards, “Shoulder Surfers” can obtain your “PIN Number” and get access to your accounts.

For more information please review the following web sites http://www.reviews.com/identity-theft-protection-services/ http://www.reviews.com/identity-theft-protection-services/students/

The Texas Tech Police Department does not recommend or endorse any particular product or brand. These links are solely listed as a resource for faculty, staff and students.

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Burglary of Vehicle

Park in well-lit areas at night.

Do not leave valuables in plain sight in your vehicle. Take them with you or lock them in the trunk.

Make sure your vehicle windows are rolled up and the doors are locked during the times when your vehicle is left unattended.

Mark or engrave your stereo equipment with your driver's license.

In some instances, after the criminal broke into the vehicle, access was gained to the trunk by using the trunk release button. You can prevent this from happening by asking a professional mechanic to make sure that the trunk release button only works when the key is turned on.

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Stay in well-lit areas as much as possible. Avoid alleys, vacant lots, wooded areas, and other short cuts or secluded areas. They are usually not well lit or heavily traveled.

Walk on the sidewalk whenever possible. Walk close to the curb. Try to avoid doorways, bushes, and other potential hiding places.

Walk with a friend, there is safety in numbers.

Try to avoid carrying a large amount of cash or other valuables.

Wherever you are on the street, in an office building or shopping mall, driving, waiting for a bus or subway stay alert and tuned in to your surroundings. Send the message that you're calm, confident, and know where you're going.

Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or leave. Report any suspicious activity to the police department.

If you are confronted by a someone attempting to commit a crime against you but you can't escape safely

Remain calm.

Do not try to be a hero. Do not take action that would jeopardize your own safety.

Follow the criminal's instructions, but do not volunteer more than what is asked of you.

Advise the criminal of any unusual moves you must make. Assure the criminal that you will cooperate.

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Phone/Email/Text Harassment

If you receive annoying or obscene phone calls, hang up the phone immediately, do not get into an argument with the caller. Record the time, what was said and any special sounds or characteristics. Notify the housing staff and the Texas Tech Police.

Document the times of the unwanted phone calls.

If you receive an unwanted email/text, do not delete the unwanted email/text. This is evidence.

Do not respond back because this initiates an open conversation. Only reply "Stop Texting Me" or "Stop Emailing Me."

Call the Police and make a report, the call or email can be traced.

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Pedestrian Safety

While Driving

Pedestrians in crosswalks will be given the right of way at all times (Texas Tech University Transportation and Parking Regulations § Five, subsection f)

Drive the posted speed limit

A. Campus streets: Twenty miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.

B. Parking Lots: Ten miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.

Drive slow when passing a bus in a bus stop. You never know when a person might walk out in front of you.

While Walking

Use the crosswalk when crossing the street.

CROSSING AT POINT OTHER THAN CROSSWALK (Texas Transportation Code § 552.005)

(a) A pedestrian shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle on the highway if crossing a roadway at a place:

(1) other than in a marked crosswalk or in an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection; or

(2) where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided.

(b) Between adjacent intersections at which traffic control signals are in operation, a pedestrian may cross only in a marked crosswalk.

(c) A pedestrian may cross a roadway intersection diagonally only if and in the manner authorized by a traffic control device.

While walking, look both ways before you cross the street. Do not take it for granted that vehicles will stop while you are crossing the street.

Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Know what is going on around you. If you wear headphones while walking, keep one ear open to hear things going on around you.

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Sexual Assault Prevention

Report any suspicious person to the Texas Tech Police Department.

While inside your dorm room, keep your door closed and locked.

Be aware of persons around you. A large number of sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows.

Avoid going places alone. There is safety in numbers.

If you go out with friends, leave and return home with those friends. Don't accept rides from people you don't know well.

Avoid inviting anyone you meet to go to your home or residence hall.

Tell your boyfriend/girlfriend your dating expectations and limits.

Avoid places where people are abusing alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs lower your inhibitions and are often used by sexual predators.

Procedures that victims should follow if a sexual offense occurs

Do not bathe, douche, urinate, defecate, change clothes, clean house or clean your dorm room. By not doing this, you will help police investigators preserve evidence about the offense.

Call 911 immediately to report the offense to the Texas Tech Police Department and to receive medical treatment. Reporting the offense immediately to the police can increase the chance of apprehension/prosecution.

Contact the Student Counseling Center (Rm. 201 on the Second floor of the Student Wellness Center on the corner of Flint Avenue and Main Street, phone # 742-3674) to obtain support services or other assistance. Other agencies/offices offering assistance can be reached at:

Rape Crisis Center (806) 763-7273

Lubbock Police Department (806) 775-2865

Lubbock County Sheriff's office (806) 775-1400

District Attorney's Office (806) 775-1100

Center for Campus Life, Texas Tech University (806) 742-5433

For more information on sexual assault prevention, you can contact the Texas Tech Police Department's Crime Prevention Office at 742-3931 or the Lubbock Rape Crisis Center at 763- 7273.

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Residence Hall Safety

When moving in or out of your residence hall, always keep your car and dorm room locked and know who is helping you.

Don't keep a large amount of cash. Use traveler's checks and open a bank account as soon as possible.

Always keep your checkbook with you. Also, be sure to secure or hide the box of unused checks.

If checks and/or credit cards are stolen, report the theft to the campus police, your credit card companies and bank(s) immediately.

Lock your door whenever you leave your room, regardless of the length of time you plan to be gone. A surprising number of thefts occur while the resident is on the same floor.

It only takes a few seconds for someone to enter your room and steal your valuables.

Close the door and lock it when you are asleep.

Do not keep money, purses, wallets or jewelry lying out. Keep them out of sight.

Be mindful of visitors to your room. Do not take in overnight guests you do not know.

Get acquainted with the other student residents on your floor or in your complex as soon as possible. This will make it possible for you to know who belongs there and who doesn't.

Do not allow entry into your building or complex to people you do not know. Refer strangers to the hall staff.

 When using laundry facilities in your building, if at all possible, do not leave your clothing unattended.

Report suspicious individuals in your hall or building to housing staff or the Texas Tech Police immediately.

Do not loan your keys to anyone or have keys duplicated.

Report lost or stolen keys immediately. A lost or stolen key makes your property and your roommate's property vulnerable to theft.

Place your car keys on a separate ring from your room key. Do not put your name or address on your key rings.

Do not leave notes on your door announcing no one is at home.

When leaving for a holiday or vacation, do not pack your car the night before. It only becomes a more attractive target for a thief.

Do not place decals on your door that have your name on them.

Never prop open a locked or latched doors. If you find a door propped open, close it.

Report all doors, locks or windows in need of repair to residence hall staff or maintenance personnel.

Require identification and authorization from repairmen or maintenance men wanting to enter your room.

Utilize the Operation Identification program. Engrave all valuable items with your driver's license or R number and keep a record of all valuables, their descriptions and serial numbers. (The Texas Tech Police Department will engrave your property for free.)

Do not allow door-to-door salespersons to enter your room. Report any soliciting to housing staff immediately.

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As a basic rule, travel light when you go sightseeing or shopping. Carry only those valuables that you may need. Dress in a comfortable manner so that you can move or maneuver quickly if necessary.

Blend in with the surroundings. Do not call attention to yourself by overdressing, wearing expensive jewelry, clothes or similar items.

Do not lay your purse/wallet down on a display counter. Keep it with you at all times.

Keep in mind that criminals keep an eye on restrooms, dressing rooms, etc. Keep valuables with you at all times.

Be certain that credit cards, when used in stores, are returned to you. Put credit card immediately back in a safe place after use.

Avoid making too many purchases that load you down with packages. Keep arms and hands free and close to your body whenever possible, so that it is difficult for someone to grab you, and place you off balance.

If using a car, place valuables in the trunk. Always check the back seat before entering.

When walking, avoid alleys, deserted parking lots, streets, sidewalks, and places that are not public, or otherwise unavailable to surveillance by other persons or the police.

Keep alert to individuals asking you for directions, a cigarette, or the time, etc. Watch their hands, keep walking, and take appropriate action if someone tries to touch you.

If you think that you are being followed, move toward more public and populated areas, and get attention from the police, etc.

When walking on the sidewalk, try to walk towards the curb, and avoid doorways, alleys, and building walls.

If you are approached and you feel suspicious or uncomfortable about the situation, walk into the street and try to place another item between you and the other person (such as a car, etc.)

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Driving Tips

Consider a membership in an automobile association that provides, in addition to other services, roadside emergency service, towing, etc.

Try to drive during daylight hours if possible, and keep your car gas levels above the halfway mark. Do not attempt to stretch your gas mileage when running low on fuel.

Plan your stops/breaks, etc. so that you reach safe areas in well-lit locations. Avoid short cuts that take you off the main road into deserted remote areas.

If possible, consult your map ahead of time, and know your route of travel. Try to keep from referring to roadmaps while you are in public places. This may call attention to the fact that you are traveling.

If you are waiting in traffic, try to maintain enough space between you and other cars, just in case you have to move quickly. Stay alert and aware of what is happening around you. Be ready to move if a problem arises.

Keep alert and aware while driving at all times. Pay attention to your instincts. If you are followed by another car, drive to a safe place, the police station, a business that is well-lit, get help, and call the police at the first opportunity. Note the description of the vehicle following you, license plate numbers, occupants, etc.

In the event of trouble, drive defensively, remain alert, and be prepared to take evasive action. Always look for a way to get out of the situation and escape. Pay attention to your side and rear view mirrors.

If your car breaks down, pull the car to the side of the roadway and stay out of traffic lanes. Put flashers on, and wait inside. 

If someone stops to help, other than the police, do not get out of your car. Keep doors locked, and windows rolled up, leaving only enough window space to communicate. Make sure that the police officer shows proper identification. Be on guard at all times.

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Carjacking Prevention

Common carjacking schemes:

1. Pretending to be a stranded motorist.

2. Faking a fender-bender accident or deliberately getting involved in an accident with the victim.

3. Approaching the victim while the victim is stopped at a traffic light.

4. Approaching a victim in shopping malls, private driveways, apartment complex parking lots.

To minimize the danger of being carjacked:

1. Think of saving your life first. Only then, think of your car and what's in it.

2. If another car bumps your car and you feel that there is something suspicious about it, stay inside with the windows rolled-up and the doors locked and drive to the nearest police station or safe place.

3. Don’t stop at isolated pay phones, cash machines or newspaper machines where you could become a carjacking victim.

4. Stay alert to people lurking near or moving toward your parked car.

5. Always keep the windows of your car rolled-up and doors locked, whether you’re in or out of your car.

6. Park only in well-lit areas.

7. Report any suspicious activity to the Texas Tech Police Department or the Lubbock Police Department. You can contact the Texas Tech Police Department by calling 743-2000, 742-3931, utilizing the blue phone system or in emergencies on campus, call 911. You can contact the Lubbock Police Department at 775-2865. If you are using a pay phone or cell phone please call 911.

To prevent your car from being stolen:

1. Use paint or an indelible marker to put the vehicle identification number (VIN) under the engine hood and trunk lid and on the battery. This number is usually found on the dashboard on the driver’s side of the car.

2. If you have to leave personal property in your car, place it in the trunk or somewhere that is out of sight.

3. Keep your car in a garage if available and lock the garage door.

4. Use a security device like a steering wheel lock or a gearshift column lock.

If your car is stolen, have the following information to give to the police:

1. Year, make, model, license plate number, VIN, color of the car and location vehicle was last parked or seen.

2. Approximate time the car was stolen.

3. Description of anyone you may have seen loitering around your car before it was stolen.

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Stalking Prevention Tips

Increase your awareness:

Do not overlook the signs of unwanted attention. Heed internal "red flags" (i.e., Intuition) alerting you to danger. Harassment/stalking often begin as minor annoying encounters, be attentive to early warning signs prior to the escalation of the stalking.


Although "Letting someone down easy" may seem conscientious, it can inadvertently provide a "mixed message". Give a firm and definite "No", to communicate that you are not interested in a relationship of any kind. When receiving unwanted attention, you shouldn't respond at all. If it is too late or unavoidable, don't use statements that can be misconstrued.

Making reports:

Any suspicious activities should be reported to the police. You can contact the Texas Tech Police Department by calling 742-3931 or 743-2000. You can contact the Lubbock Police Department at 775-2865. Threats (from minor or vague to severe or specific) should be treated seriously and immediately reported to law enforcement.

Protect your privacy:

Identifying or personal information should not be entered into online profiles/directories. Encourage others to keep your personal information confidential. Never give out your Social Security number over the phone or enter it online. Use a private post office box.

Personal protection:

Lock all your doors and roll-up your windows. Install motion detectors and/or a home security system. Avoid walking/exercising alone. Having a cell phone can be a great investment. 

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Active Shooting / Armed Subjects Response Protocol 

If you witness any armed individual on campus at any time or if an individual is acting in a hostile or belligerent manner, immediately contact Texas Tech Police at 9-1-1.

If the armed subject is outside the building:
• Turn off all the lights, close, and lock all windows and doors.
• Attempt to get the word out to others if possible.
• If you can do so safely, get all occupants out of the line of fire and get ready to Avoid, Deny, and/or Defend (ADD).
• Move to a core area of the building if safe to do so and remain there until an "all clear" instruction is given by an authorized voice.
• Unknown or unfamiliar voices that cannot be verified as being that of a trusted official may be misleading and designed to give false assurances. Do not open the door for anyone if you are not sure who the individual is. The police will gain entry, and you will know when the police arrive.

If the armed subject is inside the building:
• If it is possible to AVOID the area and danger safely, do so.
• Contact Texas Tech Police at 9-1-1 with the armed subject's location.
• If you cannot AVOID the area/danger, lock all doors and secure yourself in your space.
• Silence cell phones, radios, etc. and stay low to the ground. If armed subject makes entry to your area, get ready to DEFEND.
• If you have students or visitors in your office/area get them to help barricade the space and out of the line of fire.
• Wait for the "all clear" instructions from the Texas Tech Police Department.

If the armed subject comes into your office or classroom:
• Get ready to DEFEND.
• Use common sense. If it is impossible to AVOID or DENY, use anything possible to defend yourself against the armed subject (scissors, chairs, heavy objects, etc.).
• Attempting to overpower the armed subject with force is a last resort that should only be initiated in the most extreme circumstances and only when you feel you have no other option.
• Remember, there may be more than one active armed subject.
• Wait for the "all clear" instruction from the Texas Tech Police Department.
• Be careful not to make any changes in the scene of the incident since law enforcement authorities will be conducting an investigation of the area later.
• In case you must AVOID, do not go to your DOSMA. Get as far away from the shooting scene as practical and contact authorities.

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Disruptive Individuals on Campus Response Protocol

1. Who is a disruptive individual?

An individual who makes threats of physical harm to you, others, or themselves.

An individual who has a weapon. Refer to active shooting / armed subject protocol.

An individual who behaves in a bizarre manner or exhibits unstable behavior patterns.

The individual who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance.

2. What action should I take?

Contact TTPD at 743-2000 or 911

Give your name and campus location with a brief explanation of the situation.

Take note of the individual’s age, personal appearance, clothing, vehicle or any other information that would help identify the individual.

3. Express your authority with non-verbal cues:

Sit or stand alert

Square your shoulders

Smile and make eye contact

Speak clearly and distinctly

Maintain a constant voice volume – not too loud

4. Cues to avoid:

Do not touch your face.

Observe the individual’s personal space – do not stand too close.

Do not touch the person.

Do not slouch, glare or sigh at the individual.

5. Anger management tactics:

Get their attention: Use their name, ask them to sit down.

Acknowledge their feelings: Paraphrase what they say so they will know you are listening.

Get them moving: Offer a chair, move them to a private area if possible.

Offer assistance: Use the word “we” to include them in the solution process.

Tell them exactly what you can do for them and when.

Advise co-workers of the potential problem if possible.

Call the Texas Tech Police Department at 742-2000 or 742-3931 immediately if you sense the situation is getting out of hand.

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Phone Numbers

  • Emergency: 911
  • Non-emergency: 806-742-3931


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