Texas Tech University

Laci McDermett, M.A.

Program Director
Biological Sciences

Email: laci.mcdermett@ttu.edu

Phone: +1(806)834-2423

Office Hours:MF 8-5 
Room Number:Office 112 


Laci McDermett

About me

I am the Program Director in Biological Sciences. I want students to feel confident in their ability to successfully navigate through college. I foster a respectful, supportive and comfortable office environment, and I help students understand the relationship between their coursework, their future goals, and their desired careers. I work closely with students to ensure that they meet all the program and University requirements for graduation.

Department of Biological Sciences

  • Address

    Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Box 43131 Lubbock, TX 79409
  • Phone

  • Email
