Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta)
Biological Honor Society

Beta Beta Beta
TriBeta is a national biology honor society. Hundreds of chapters are located in colleges and universities throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Beta Beta Beta represents three main purposes: 1) to promote scholarship in the biological sciences, 2) to promote the dissemination of biological knowledge, and 3) to encourage research. The organization's motto is "To see the foundation of life." Read more about TriBeta.
Nu Alpha Chapter
The Texas Tech Student Chapter, Nu Alpha Chapter, of the Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is a student organization established at Texas in 1999. TriBeta is open to graduate and undergraduate students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the appreciation of biological study and scientific research. Our chapter wants to help students in biology cultivate their professional skills while becoming more involved in the department.

We would like to thank all of our current and previous leadership teams for their time, committment and service volunteering to help our organization.
Current Officers:
Erin ODonnell, President | Elizabeth Jeffery, Vice President |
Claire Babcock, Treasurer | Grayson Kessler, Secretary |
There are two levels of membership at Texas Tech University: Associate and Regular.
Associate - Associate members must have taken one biology course. Associate members do not have to meet a GPA requirement. This membership type is open to anyone interested in biological sciences.
Regular - Regular members must have taken three biology courses, one upper-level biology course, and maintain a 3.0 GPA. Only regular members are able to hold offices in Tri-Beta and wear honor cords at graduation.

How To Join
Invitations to join as either associate or regular members are sent out in Spring semester.
All membership inquiries to can be submitted to the chapter advisors. Dr. Corey Brelsfoard and/or Laci Mcdermett.
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Box 43131 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2715 -