•Distance Education •Biology of Plants •TTU at Junction •Biology of Animals •Global Change Ecology •Professional Science Masters •Curriculum and Instruction •Tropical Marine Biology •Insect Diversity •Human Genetics •TTU at Waco

The Biological Sciences Department is excited to have various online and distance opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students. TTU Biology has courses that allow you to finish your degree from where ever you are located. We offer non-major biology courses that meet core science requirements to support degrees from other departments and colleges, as well as numerous online electives allow you to work on your degree on your schedule.
Looking for the next step in your career, yet don't want to move? We offer two online masters degrees: M.S. in Professional Science Masters and a M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) with a focus on Biology. The professional science master's degree (PSM) in environmental sustainability and natural resource management is an interdisciplinary degree that prepares graduates for science careers in business, government, or nonprofit sectors, and focuses on sustainability science as it applies to natural resources and the environment. The master's in education (M.Ed.) in curriculum and instruction with a focus on biology is an interdisciplinary degree that prepares secondary teachers to teach dual credit (high school/college) biology courses.
If you have any additional questions, please contact the Associate Chair for Online Programming, Stephanie Lockwood.
Whether you are looking to start a new degree or finish up a degree we have options to help you meet your biology degree goals. You are able to complete a biology minor 100% online. Perhaps, you started your Biology degree and just need to finish a few courses online. Read more about the Degree Completion Options.
A hybrid B.S. in Biology is available for distance students (currently only available at the TTU Waco extension site). This degree requires some face-to-face courses/labs; however, many electives are delivered online making this a very flexible degree to meet your schedule needs. Read more below.
We offer two online masters degrees: M.S. in Professional Science Masters and a M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) with a focus on Biology. Read more about our graduate degrees.

TTU Biology offers a wide range of undergraduate non-majors and majors, as well as graduate online courses. We offer various online formats, asynchronous or synchronous.
Online Asynchronous (ASYNC) requires zero mandatory face to face in the classroom, and learning occurs virtually through prepared resources, without real-time instructor-led interaction.
Online Synchronous (SYNC) require zero mandatory face to face in the classroom, but is interactive or two-way learning that happens in real time with an instructor.
Current course offerings via Open Classes
TTU Biology faculty offer several Maymester courses at the Texas Tech Center at Junction site. These intensive 15-day field courses offer students to get outside and learn field techniques at a remote field site. Students utilize the outdoor/indoor classrooms, wet labs, dining facilities and stay at the various Center at Junction facilities. Biology courses such as Mammalogy, Herpetology, Field Ecology and Ornithology are offered in Junction.

Are you located near the I-35 cooridor? We offer a hybrid B.S. in Biology at the TTU at Waco Extension site in Waco, Texas. The TTU at Waco extension site is located on the McLennan Community College (MCC) campus. This degree is designed to be completed with coursework from both institutions. Biology I/II, Chemistry I/II, and Physics I/II are offered by MCC. Several required courses/labs, such as Genetics and Cell, as well as Organic Chemistry, are offered on the MCC campus by TTU faculty. Many biology and chemistry electives are offered online from the main campus allowing for a truly flexible degree. Read more about how to apply here.
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Box 43131 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2715 -