Biology News
Dr. Jennifer Burns, TTU Biology Professor, Research Focuses on the Physiology, Nutrition, and Performance in Polar Marine Mammals.
Check out this article on her research on Weddell seals.
Dr. Natasja Van Gestel Is Headed South to Antarctica Again for the 2024-2025 Austral Summer.
She was recently designated Station Science Leader at Palmer Station for the Antarctic Summer 2024-2025 period by the NSF. Follow her adventures on Instagram and her blog!
Instgram: Antarctic Research Adventures
The Biology Greenhouse Is Getting a Makeover!
Construction is expected to be completed September 2025. Phase 1 - Demolition is well underway!
Research Award - National Collegiate Honors Council
Sy Bogutski, a Biology and Honors student who is mentored by Dr. Ethan Chen, has been awarded the Portz Interdisciplinary Fellowship. This fellowship is the National Collegiate Honors Councils top student research prize. This is the first time a Texas Tech University student has been awarded the Portz Fellowship. Sys research focuses on “The Role of Exosomes and Mirtrons in Breast Cancer Aggressiveness and Immune Suppression”.
Biology Faculty Receive the Phenomenal Women of Texas Tech Award
The Student Intersectional Leadership Council at Texas Tech is a student-led organization that "highlights women who have inspired or impacted the Tech community". Biology professors Lisa Limeri, Natasja Van Gestel, and Breanna Harris as well as Arts & Sciences' Dean Tosha Dupras were awarded the Phenomenal Women of Texas Tech University Award for 2024.
Note: Future iterations of the Phenomenal Women of Texas Tech program shall, regardless of TTU's participation or involvement, require that nominations be open to all sexes.
Graduate Food Pantry - Spring Food Drive
The Spring Food Drive in support of the Graduate Student Food Pantry ends soon on
Friday, May 10th, 2024, at 6pm. That being said, the food pantry is always taking
donations. The food pantry is nearly empty and needs restocking! The food pantry runs on a take what you need, donate when you can mission and has
been a wonderful support for many graduate students in our department.
Donations can include shelf-stable and nonperishable food items (e.g., dried pasta, canned soup, rice, canned fruits & vegetables), household supplies (e.g., cleaning products, laundry detergent, toilet paper), personal care products (e.g., shampoo, conditioner, soap, feminine products), and more.
Out of town and want to contribute? Please contract the TTUAB Treasurer for more information.
Biology Faculty Promoted
Congratulations to Drs. Corey Brelsfoard, Joe Manthey, and Natasja van Gestel on their faculty promotions from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor. Congratulations to you all!
Welcome to Biology
Dr. McIntyre Lab News
Ph.D. candidate Sean Sutor has been on a winning streak lately: First place Three-minute Thesis at the TTU NRM
Research Days, a TTU Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship, a David J. Morafka
Memorial Research Award, First Place student presentation award from the Desert Tortoise
Council, a NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award from the International Association
for Landscape Ecology-North America (highest student award in landscape ecology),
and Best Overall Presentation at TTABSS.
Dr. Nancy McIntyre recently published her 100th peer-reviewed paper in Landscape Ecology.
American Committee on Arthropod-Borne Viruses Student Trainee Leadership Group
Rhoda Owusu, an M.Sc. Student in Dr. Maria Onyango's lab, was selected to serve on the American Committee on Arthropod-Borne Viruses (ACAV) student Trainee Leadership group, a subgroup of American Society Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH). In this position, she will be involved in organizing scientific symposiums at the annual ASTMH conferences, hold scientific and career panels year-round run the ACAV booth during the conference.
Presentation Awards - Entomological Society of America
Amanda Ramirez and Hunter Covey, graduate students in Dr. Corey Brelsfoard lab, won awards (1st and 3rd place in the poster competition, respectively) for their presentations at the Southwestern Branch of Entomological Society of America annual meeting on April 21st in Round Rock, Texas.
Online Master's in Education (M.Ed.) in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Biology
Looking for the next step in your biology teaching journey? The Master's in Education
(M.Ed.) in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Biology is an interdisciplinary
degree that prepares secondary teachers to teach dual credit (high school/college)
biology courses. The degree is through the College of Education's Department of Curriculum
and Instruction. The Dual Credit Credential program requires 36 hours, which includes
18 hours of C&I (EDCI) and 18 hours of biology courses. A wide range of biology courses
will provide students with advanced training ranging from ecology, evolutionary biology
and genomics to plant biology, vertebrate and invertebrate biology. This is a fully
online, asynchronous degree.
Learn more about this exciting online degree and how you can apply today here.
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Box 43131 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2715 -