On-Campus Jobs
Below is information regarding on-campus employment. You will find a list of employment pages for departments that typically hire students. This is not an exhaustive list.
If you are needing support in identifying options, set up an appointment on Raider Success Hub! If you have any questions navigating the site, please call our office at (806) 742-2210.
Featured Positions
Student Life- Graduate Assistant
Undergraduate Admissions - Student Recruiter
IT Help Central - Student Assistant
Job Posting Boards
TTU Human Resources - Student Positions
For more information about TTU Human Resources - Student Positions, please reach out to TTU Human Resources at 806.742.3851.
Red Raider Student Employment Center
For more information about Red Raider Student Employment Center, please reach out to the TTU Financial Aid Office at 806.742.3681.
For more information about Hire Red Raiders, please reach out to the TTU Career Center at 806.742.2210.
Some departments will advertise their available positions through TechAnnounce. Be sure that you are subscribed to the Student Employment/Career Opportunities category.
For more information about TechAnnounce, you can go to askIT or reach out to IT Help Central at 806.742.4357.
Departmental Positions
- Texas Tech Store
- Texas Tech Athletics
- Computer IT Positions
- Hospitality Positions
- The Learning Center
- Library Positions
- Orientation Services - Red Raider Orientation and Red Raider Camp
- Rec Center Positions
- Student Housing Positions
- Student Union Building Positions
- TECHniques Center Tutor
- Transfer Ambassadors
- Undergraduate Admissions
- Undergraduate Writing Center
For more information about the departmental positions, please reach out directly to
the department you are interested in.
If you are an on-campus department interested in having your hiring information on this list, please email Brittainy Klemme.
Current students, log in to Raider Success Hub to schedule an appointment online.
Alumni, call our front desk (806-742-2210) to schedule your appointment.
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
The University Career Center encourages persons with disabilities to participate in our programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about accessibility, please call 806-742-2210 in advance of your participation or visit.
Are you starting a full-time job? Have you been accepted into graduate school? Are you still deciding? Texas Tech University wants to know your post-graduation plans! Complete the First Destination Survey today!
University Career Center
Texas Tech University Career Center, Wiggins Complex - Box 45006, Lubbock, Texas 79409 -
806.742.2210 -