2021-2022: ESCs 1-5

Year 2 Outreach and Engagement
During the 2021-2022 academic year, Project TEDD recruited and trained special education teachers/professionals across Education Service Center Regions 1 (Beaumont), 2 (Corpus Christi), 3 (Victoria), 4 (Houston), and 5 (Beaumont). The project staff is pleased to announce 98 special education teachers/professionals representing 99 school districts participated in the five teacher training workshops held in September and October 2021. Following the training workshop, these professionals returned to their school districts and trained 477 other individuals and reached 95% of the total annual goal! The Project TEDD staff appreciates the time and dedication these individuals have contributed to the project's outreach and activities.
Project TEDD: Training Educators in Dual Diagnosis
Virginia Murray Sowell Center for Research and Education in Sensory Disabilities P.O. Box 41071 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806-742-2320 -